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Laurent Mevel

Now senior researcher (Directeur de Recherche) at Inria, I am the team leader of the I4S project team. This a joint team between Inria and Univ.  Gustave Eiffel. I am also Deputy Head of Science at Inria Rennes.

Research interests / field of activity

  • Temperature rejection in Structural Health Monitoring systems
  • System identification and monitoring of wind turbines
  • System identification and monitoring  of time varying systems
  • Uncertainty quantification schemes
  • Damage detection and localization approaches

Short bio

I received a Ph.D degree in applied mathematics in 1997 under the supervision of Francois Le Gland. I spent two years as a Postdoctoral Associate at LMS International, Leuven during the Eureka SINOPSYS project and also as a postdoc at CNR, Padova, Italy. I obtained my habilitation in 2008. Since 2000, I am with Inria, now senior research scientist (directeur de recherche) at Inria, centre Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique. I am working on identification and detection of partially hidden stochastic systems. I have been the advisor of 14 PhD students and several Master students.

PhD student supervision

  • Nina Delette (2023-2026) : Damage quantification for wind turbines
  • Nikhil Mahar (2°23-2026) : Learning methods for Structural Health Monitoring
  • Neha Aswal (2019-2023): Structural health monitoring for tensegrity structures.
  • Ambroise Cadoret (2020-): Operational modal analysis for wind turbines
  • Eva Viefhues (2017-2022): Damage detection and related algorithms
  • Thibaud Toullier (2016-2019): Simultaneous estimation of temperature and emissivity from IR
  • Delwar Bhuyan (2014-2017): Algorithms for damage localization (with Univ. Nantes)
  • Philippe Mellinger (2011-2014): Algorithms for identification and detection in frequency domain (CIFRE)
  • Luciano Marin (2010-2013): Damage localization techniques using FEM and uncertainty driven rules (with Northeastern Univ., Boston)
  • Ahmed Jhinaoui (2010-2014): Subspace identification and detection for rotating systems (with ISAE, Toulouse)
  • Michael Döhler (2008-2011): Algorithms in identification and detection for large systems
  • Xuan-Binh Lam (2008-2011): Uncertainty quantification for the identification of mechanical structures
  • Rafik Zouari (2005-2008): Détection précoce d’instabilité aéroélastique des structures aéronautiques
  • Houssein Nasser (2003-2006): Surveillance vibratoire de structures mécaniques sous contraintes thermiques

Recent projects

  • Inria coordinator for the joint lab ASTI between Inria, Univ. Gustave Eiffel and CNR
  • Inria coordinator of the Horizon Europe Brighter
  • French coordinator of the COST action on the Value of SHM
  • Inria coordinator for the DESDEMONA H2020 project
  • Scientific leader of European project FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP 251515 ISMS “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways” on Internet-based Structural Health Monitoring (2010 – 2014)
  • European project FP7-NMP CP-IP 213968-2 IRIS (Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System), (2008 – 2012)
  • European Projects Eureka SINOPSYS, Flite and Flite2 from 1999 to 2008, H2020 DESDEMONA
  • Coordinator of the French project CONSTRUCTIF (COuplage de coNcepts pour la Surveillance de sTRUCTures mécaniques InFormatisées), project labeled in 2003 by ACI Sécurité & Informatique

Conference and journal boards

  • Member of scientific boards of EWSHM (European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring), SHMII-10 and IOMAC (International Operational Modal Analysis Conference,)
  • Member of the editorial board of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
  • Associate Editor of Journal of Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – previously
  • Associate Editor of Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and Journal of Shock and Vibration
  • Chairman at SYSID 2006, IMAC 2009, IWSHM 2013, EWSHM 2014, SAFEPROCESS 2015, Safeprocess 2018, IFAC World Congress 2020
  • Conference Organizer of the 7th EWSHM (2014) and QIRT2020


Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes

e-mail: laurent.mevel(at)

personal webpage with full publication list

Publications (since 2008)