New team member: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo

Ramon Aparicio-Pardo

Welcome to our new team member: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo.

Ramon Aparicio-Pardo received a MEng in Telecom. and a Ph.D. from Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. His Ph.D. thesis, titled ‘Optimization and Planning of WDM Transparent Optical Networks,’ was distinguished with TELEFÓNICA Award for Best Thesis in Networking.
After two postdocs, at Orange Labs on optical switching networks (2012-2013) and at IRISA, in former IMT-Telecom Bretagne, on adaptive streaming (2013-2015), he joined Université Côte d’Azur (UCA) as an associate professor (“maître de conférences”) in Sept. 2015 and became a member of the SigNet group of the I3S laboratory. His main research interest is the optimal design and management of communication networks.

In September 2020, he joined obtained a “délégation Inria” to work with COATI on the design of AI-based methods for network optimization.

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