PhD defense of Truong Khoa Phan

PhD Truong Khoa Phan

  • Title: “Design and Management of Networks with Low Power Consumption”
  • When: September 25, 2014 — 10:00
  • Where: Room Euler Violet, Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée
  • Committee:
  • Abstract: In this thesis, we study several models of energy-aware routing. For each model, we present a linear programming formulation to find the exact solution. Moreover, since energy-aware routing is NP-hard problem, we also propose efficient heuristic algorithms for large scale networks.
    In the first part of this thesis, we deal with GreenRE – a new energy-aware routing model with the support of redundancy elimination. We first present a deterministic model in which we show how to combine energy-aware routing and redundancy elimination to improve energy efficiency for backbone networks. Then, we extend the model in order to take into account uncertainties in traffic volumes and redundancy rates.
    The second part of this thesis is devoted to the deployment issues of energy- aware routing in practice. In detail, to avoid service deterioration for end-users, we limit the changes in network configurations in multi-period traffic matrices in Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. Next, we address the problem of limited rule space in OpenFlow switches when installing energy-aware routing configurations.
    Finally, we present in the appendix other works developed during this thesis: multicast network protocol and TCP congestion control algorithm.

  • Keywords: Energy-aware Routing, Redundancy Elimination, Open Shortest Path First, Software Defined Networks.

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