Francois CHAROY

Author's posts

Presentation by Chahrazed Labba : Adaptive Deployment of Multi-Agent Systems on Cloud Environments – 16/3/2017

Adaptive Deployment of Multi-Agent Systems on Cloud Environments   Chahrazed Labba 16/3/2017 Abstract: Multi-agent systems (MAS) are highly dynamic and require powerful computational resources to be properly executed. However, such resources are not available for all organizations due to many reasons such as budget constraints. Thus to support more flexibility and enjoy greater scalability, it …

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Presentation by Beatrice Linot – Trust in Computer-Supported Crisis Management Communication 9/2/2018

Title: Trust in Computer-Supported Crisis Management Communication Speaker: Béatrice Linot, Laboratoire INTERPSY (Psychologie des Interactions et des Relations Inter-subjective – EA 4432), Université de Lorraine, LORIA Abstract: Communication issues arise in sociotechnical systems despite functioning communication equipment, generally attributed to the absence of information sharing. Computer scientists envision a giant virtual display accessible to all, …

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Vinh Dang Quang defended his PhD : Trust assessment in large-scale collaboration

Committee: Rapporteurs : – Wolfgang Prinz Professeur, RWTH Aachen, Allemagne – Sihem Amer-Yahia Directeur de Recherche, LIG-CNRS, Grenoble Examinateurs : – Isabelle Chrisment Professeur, Université de Lorraine, LORIA – Lionel Brunie Professeur, Insa Lyon Directeurs : – Francois Charoy Professeur, Université de Lorraine, LORIA – Claudia Ignat Chargée de Recherche, Inria Nancy-Grand Est, LORIA Abstract: …

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The Coast Team at EDOC 2017

Amina Ahmed Nacer presented her paper at the EDOC 2017 Conference A Metric for Evaluating the Privacy level of a Business Process Know-How in a Multi-Cloud Deployment

The Coast Team at BPM 2017

Guillaume Rosinosky presented his paper Efficient Migration-Aware Algorithms for Elastic BPMaaS at the BPM Conference

The Coast Team at ECSCW 2017 – August 2017

ECSCW 2017 was in Sheffield this year before coming to Nancy next year We went there to present our demo on MUTE supporting network partitionning. MUTE: A Peer-to-Peer Web-based Real-time Collaborative Editor

D3 Seminar : Social science meets Computer science – 22/6/2017 9am to 12am B013

9h – Accueil des participants 9h15 – Introduction 9h30 – “The Clarion Call from the Crowd: Mining Social Media in Disaster”, Valerie Shalin, Département de Psychologie, Wright State University 10h15 – “Un jeu de construction éclairé”, Joffrey Becker, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, LORIA et Frédéric Verhaegen, APEMAC, Université de Lorraine 11h00 – “News-sites and adblockers : …

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Jordi Martori PhD Defense : Probabilistic Models of Partial Order Enforcement in Distributed Systems

It will take place on June 12th 2017, at 2 pm, at LORIA room B013. The presentation will be held in English. You are also welcomed to the reception, held  in the Club room, after the defense. The jury is composed by: Maria POTOP BUTUCARU, Universite Pierre Marie Curie – Reviewer Weihai YU, University of …

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Visit of Valerie Shalin from Wright State University – June 2017

Valerie Shalin is back in the Coast team for a month as part of our Inria Associate Team to collaborate with us on Trust and Collaboration

Christmas Couscous of the Coast Team

It was time to celebrate this great year !