Francois CHAROY

Author's posts

We were at Inforsid

We attend the Inforsid/RCIS 2016 Conference where Guillaume Rosinosky presented his work at the PhD forum

PhD Defense Luc André – vendredi 13 mai en salle A008 à 9h30

Préservation des Intentions et Maintien de la Cohérence des Données Répliquées en Temps Réel Résumé en français : L’édition collaborative en temps réel permet à plusieurs utilisateurs d’éditer un même document simultanément grâce à des outils informatiques. Les applications d’édition collaborative en temps réel, telles GoogleDocs ou Etherpad, répliquent les données éditées chez chaque utilisateur, …

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Séminaire Hien Truong/25 avril/10h/A008 Security based on Contextual Co-presence Detection

Séminaire Hien Truong/25 avril/10h/A008 Title: Security based on Contextual Co-presence Detection Abstract: Although the security research community no longer takes security and usability to be mutually contradictory goals, simultaneously accomplishing security and usability goals continues to be a challenge. We addressed this challenge by investigating a promising approach: exploiting contextual information. We began by addressing …

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The Coast Team at RUE 2016

We did a demo of MUTE at the “Rencontre Université Entreprise” in April 2016 with 3 ChromeBook (TM), a Raspberry Pi (TM) and a Wifi Router      © Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli

Claudia-Lavinia Ignat à l’honneur dans la Semaine

La Semaine du 10/3/2016

Seminar by Jerome Dinet : Human Factors and Information Security: Impact of Individual, Social and Culture Environment

22/2/2016 – 14h – B013 From identity theft and fraud to corporate hacking attacks, cybersecurity has never been more important for businesses, organizations and governments. But if security and risk can be objectively defined (e.g., by analyzing objective data), risk perception is more important to explain human’s opinions, attitudes and in fine, our behaviors and …

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Hoang Long Nguyen joined the team this week

Hoang Long Nguyen joined the team this week as a PhD student under supervision of Olivier Perrin and Claudia-Lavinia Ignat. He has a Bachelor degree from FPT University in Hanoi and an Master in Mobille Computing Services and Security from Aalto University in Finland

Kahina Bessai joined the Coast Team as a postdoc today – 2/11/2015

Kahina Bessai, PhD from Sorbonne University joined the team today, on a postdoc position funded by the OpenPaas::NG project. She will work on Social BPM.    

ISCRAM-MED Keynote – Web Scale Collaboration and Crisis Management – Tunis – 30/10/2015

Keynote ISCRAM Med 2015 from François Charoy

PhD Defense : Elio Goettelmann – Risk-aware Business Process Modelling and Trusted Deployment in the Cloud – 21/10/2015

the defence of Elio PhD thesis that will take place the 21st of October (Wednesday), 1:30 PM, in room C005, LORIA. Risk-aware Business Process Modelling and Trusted Deployment in the Cloud *** Committee *** Reviewers: – Salima BENBERNOU, Professor, University Paris Descartes, France – Haralambos MOURATIDIS, Professor, University of Brighton, UK Members: – Frédérique BIENNIER, …

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