September 2015 archive

PRO-VE Keynote – Collaborative Networks and Crisis Management – Albi 9/2015

Pro Ve 2015 Conference keynote from François Charoy

Social science insights for large scale and mobile collaboration/networks – 14/9/2015 14:00

Le département 3 organise le 14 septembre de 9h à 16h30 dans la salle B013 un séminaire sur le sujet « Social science insights for large scale and mobile collaboration/networks ». Le programme de ce séminaire est le suivant: – 9h-9h30 Accueil café – 9h30-10h30 Serge Proulx, Prof. Université de Québec à Montréal, Prof. associé …

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Coast is a partner of the OpenPaaS::NG project

OpenPaaS::NG is a PSPC (Projet Structurant Pour la Compétitivité) project funded by « Investissement d’Avenir » The aim of the project is to develop next generation cloud enabled virtual desktop based on Enterprise Social Network concept to provide advanced collaborative and recommendation services : Real-time edition of documents, spreadsheets, presentations and business processes. Context based …

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