Category: News

PhD defense of Guillaume Rosinosky – Elasticity and BPMaaS – 23-1-2019

 Wednesday, January 23 2019 at 14:00 in room A008 in the LORIA. The jury is composed of : Reporters: Walid Gaaloul – full professor at Telecom Sud Paris Salima Benbernou – full professor at Université Paris Descartes (absent) Examiners: Malika Smail – associate professor at Université de Lorraine, LORIA Parisa Ghodous – full professor at Université Lyon I, LIRIS Invited: Duy Tran Quang – manager at Bonitasoft …

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CFP: International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems (IWCES15)

============== CALL FOR PAPERS ============== The Fifteenth International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems (IWCES15) February 25/26, 2017, Portland, Oregon, USA In conjunction with ACM CSCW 2017 ( ============================================== Collaborative Editing (CE) systems allow users to create and edit content together even though they may be in physically disparate locations. A decade ago, CE systems …

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The Coast team was evaluated this week

This is some of the members preparing the private meeting

Ahmed Bouchami PhD Defense – Sécurité des ressources collaboratives dans les réseaux sociaux d’entreprise

Soutenance de thèse de Mr Ahmed BOUCHAMI le vendredi 2 septembre à 14h en salle C05 du Loria Les réseaux sociaux d’entreprise (RSE) ont révolutionné la collaboration entre les organisations professionnelles. Grâce aux RSEs, les contraintes classiques de mobilité, de procédures compliquées d’échange de services et de manque de flexibilité et de communication en matière …

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Distributed Real-time Collaborative Editing System @ Kno.e.sis

Real-time collaborative editing systems such as GoogleDocs or Etherpad are well known and widely used. They allow a group of people to collaborate on a same document from different places at any time. Unfortunately, these systems have scalability limitations regarding the number of users who can collaborate at the same time on a document or …

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Large-scale Trust-based Collaboration @ Kno.e.sis

Distributed collaborative systems such as wikis, version control systems or GoogleDrive allow users to collaborate on a set of shared documents from different places, at any time and from different devices. Existing collaborative systems made available by large service providers such as Google are based on a central authority that stores and has control over …

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We are visiting Kno.e.sis @ WSU

In the context of the USCoast Inria associate team, Claudia and Gerald are visiting for a month our colleagues from the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis) at Wright State University.

WETICE 2016 Keynote – From group collaboration to large scale social collaboration

Keynote presentation Keynote IEEE Wetice conference 2016 – From group collaboration to large scale social collaboration from François Charoy

PhD Defense Luc André – vendredi 13 mai en salle A008 à 9h30

Préservation des Intentions et Maintien de la Cohérence des Données Répliquées en Temps Réel Résumé en français : L’édition collaborative en temps réel permet à plusieurs utilisateurs d’éditer un même document simultanément grâce à des outils informatiques. Les applications d’édition collaborative en temps réel, telles GoogleDocs ou Etherpad, répliquent les données éditées chez chaque utilisateur, …

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The Coast Team at RUE 2016

We did a demo of MUTE at the “Rencontre Université Entreprise” in April 2016 with 3 ChromeBook (TM), a Raspberry Pi (TM) and a Wifi Router      © Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli