April 2016 archive

Séminaire Hien Truong/25 avril/10h/A008 Security based on Contextual Co-presence Detection

Séminaire Hien Truong/25 avril/10h/A008 Title: Security based on Contextual Co-presence Detection Abstract: Although the security research community no longer takes security and usability to be mutually contradictory goals, simultaneously accomplishing security and usability goals continues to be a challenge. We addressed this challenge by investigating a promising approach: exploiting contextual information. We began by addressing …

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The Coast Team at RUE 2016

We did a demo of MUTE at the “Rencontre Université Entreprise” in April 2016 with 3 ChromeBook (TM), a Raspberry Pi (TM) and a Wifi Router      © Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli