Year 5 activities

2019 activities

– Abir Amri PHD student from LAMSIN visited inria for 2 months (May June) 2019

– Yassine Abidi PHD student from LAMSIN visited inria for 3 months (May June July) 2019

– Elmahdi Elraji PHD student from Cadi Ayyad university visited Inria for one month, June 2019.

– Moncef Mahjoub visited Inria for two weeks. From October 28th to November 8th 2019.

– N. Zemzemi, M. Mahjoub, Y. Abidi, R. aboulaich and A. Habbal presented    communications in the ICIAM 2019 Conference from July 15th to 19th, Valencia Spain.

– N. Zemzemi and Y. Coudière co-Organized the international FIMH 2019 conference in Bordeaux. Y. Abidi, A. Karoui and A. Amri participated to the conference.

– N. Zemzemi visited Lamsin in from December 10th to December 14th 2018. Tunis

– J. Henry, W. Mbarki and M. Mahjoub participated to Journées de Biomathématiques in Faculté des sciences de Tunis organized by S. Aouadi. June 2019. Tunisia.

– Y. Abidi participated to LIRYC Cardiac Electrophysiology Summer School, July 8th-12th.

– A. Karoui participated to Computing in Cardiology conference. Singapour Sep 8th-11th.

2018 Activity

  • Nejib Zemzemi visited LAMSIN: 7 to 11 May 2018 Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Moncef Mahjoub Participated to the conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation” from 21 to 25 May 2018, Malta.
  • Elmahdi ERRAJI, PHD student, one month visit to Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest : from 01/06/18 au 30/06/18, Bordeaux France.
  • Yassine Abidi, three Months visit to Inria BSO, from 04/05/2018 to 31/07/2018, Bordeaux.
  • Amassive representation of the EPICARD team at the Picof Conference: Rabeb Chamekh, Moncef Mahjoub, Amel Ben Abda, Keltoum Chahour, Abderrahamane Habbal, Rajae Aboulaich, and Nejib Zemzemi participated to the PICOF conference (Inverse Problems, Control and Shape Optimization conference), it was held at the American University of Bayreuth in June 18-20 , 2018 Lebanon.
  • Mourad Bellassoued and Nejib Zemzemi participated to the LIRIMA evaluation seminar 18 and 19 september 2018,
A new PHD student joined the Epicard team

– Khouloud Kordoghli, just started in October 2019 her PHD studies. Supervisors: Saloua Aouadi , Nejib Zemzemi and Wajih Mbarki.

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