Teaching pages of CAIRN team members (mostly in french)
- VLSI and SoC Computer Aided Design
- VHDL Language
- Digital Signal Processing and DSP Processors
- Computer Architecture
- Real-Time Systems
- Computer Arithmetic
Teaching activities of CAIRN team members
There is a strong teaching activity in the Cairn team since most of the permanent members are Professors or Associate Professors.
- P. Quinton is the deputy-director of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, responsible of the Brittany branch of this school
- P. Scalart is the Head of the Electronics Engineering department of ENSSAT
- O. Sentieys is responsible of the ”Embedded Systems” branch of the SISEA Master of Research (M2R)
- C. Wolinski is responsible for Computer Organization and Architecture branch of ESIR
- O. Berder’s main teaching activities at ENSSAT are signal processing, microprocessor architecture and wireless communications. He also teaches signal processing at IUT Lannion andmobile communications at ENI Gabès, Tunisia
- D. Chillet teaches a course on advanced processors architectures in M2R/ENSSAT and on low-power digital CMOS circuits at Telecom Bretagne
- E. Casseau’s main teaching activities at ENSSAT are signal processing, computer architectures and HW design.
- S. Derrien teaches at IFSIC (Licence, Master)
- L. Perraudeau teaches at Ifsic (Licence, Master)
- M. Gautier teaches at IUT Lannion
- R. Rocher teaches at IUT Lannion
- P. Scalart teaches courses on signal processing at ENSSAT
- O. Sentieys teaches at ENSSAT and M2R where he gives courses on methodologies for integrated system design and signal processing. He also teaches digital IC: from synthesis to implementation in the Master Microelectronics System Design and Technology at ENSICAEN
- C.Wolinski teaches Design of Embedded Systems, Signal, Image, Architectures and Advanced Architectures
ENSSAT stands for ”Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie” and is an ”Ecole d’Ingénieurs” of the University of Rennes 1, located in Lannion
IFSIC stands for ”Institut de Formation Supérieure en Informatique et Communication” and is the Computer Science Department of the University of Rennes
ESIR stands for “École Supérieure d’Ingénieur de Rennes” and is an ”Ecole d’Ingénieurs” of the University of Rennes 1, located in Rennes
M2R stands for Master of Research, second year