Slides and support on CAIRN Private Share (when available / restricted access)
July 13rd, 2012, 15h30, Maciej Ciesielski (UMASS) (rooms 309N + Aurigny)
Advances in Parallel Distributed Simulation and Formal Verifcation of Arithmetic Circuits
July 5th, 2012, 16h00: Moin Qureshi (room 309N, visioconf from Rennes)
Fundamental Trade-offs in Architecting DRAM Caches Outperforming Impractical SRAM Tag-Store with a Simple Latency-Optimized Design
June 28th, 2012, 15h15: Romain Brillu (room 309N)
Open Virtual Platform (OPV)
February 14th, 2012, 11h00-12h00 (room 020G): Edward Hrynkiewicz (Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland)
Logic Functions Decomposition in Reed-Muller Spectral Domain
December 8th, 2011, 15h00-16h00: Hervé Yviquel
Automatic mapping of RVC application to TTA-based processors network
November 23th, 2011, 14h00-15h30: Maria Soto Lima en 036C
Optimization methods for the memory allocation problems in embedded systems