ANR Labcom project accepted!

The french National Research Agency (ANR) has accepted our project of a joint research laboratory with the French SolidAnim SME. This 3-year research project Cineviz aims at jointly developing tools for movie previsualization, mixing virtual camera systems (like Mr Melies) and computational aspects such as viewpoint computation, camera planning, and automated…

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Siggraph 2015

Congratulations to Christophe Lino and Marc Christie for their paper entitled “Intuitive and Efficient Camera Control with the Toric Space”, recently accepted to Siggraph 2015. More information on their work is available here.  

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Transdiciplinary Workshop on Human Motion Analysis and Synthesis

A transdiciplinary workshop on Human Motion Analysis and Synthesis is being organised on June 26th following Julien Pettré’s HDR. Invited speakers Jean-Paul Laumond, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France William H. Warren, Brown University, Providence, USA Francois Chaumette, Inria, Rennes, France Nuria Pelechano, Barcelona University, Spain Ronan Boulic, EPFL, Switzerland Taku Komura, Edinbourgh…

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HDR: Julien Pettré

Julien Pettré will be defending is HDR on June 25th. More details will be coming soon. Location: Inria-Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu, Métivier room Time: 3pm Abstract: Crowd simulation was born from the need to understand, predict or imitate the behavior of real crowds. Applications are numerous, ranging from the architectural…

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