CineCast, the first prototype resulting from the collaboration between INRIA Mimetic and Unity was showed during the Keynote at Unite Los Angeles on Tuesday 23rd 2018. The video was viewed more than 50k times. See the CineCast demo video starting at 41m42 here, with Adam Myhill. More details on our…

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Hui-yin Wu’s PhD Defense

Hui-yin Wu defended her PhD at IRISA  “Cinematic Discourse for Interactive 3D Storytelling”.  in room Métivier (C024), on Friday 10AM, October 7th. PhD committee: Ulrike Sperling, Professeur, Hochschule RheinMain / Rapporteur Michael Young, Professeur, University of Utah / Rapporteur Tim Smith, Senior lecturer, Birbeck University of London / Examinateur Tsai-Yen…

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ANR Labcom project accepted!

The french National Research Agency (ANR) has accepted our project of a joint research laboratory with the French SolidAnim SME. This 3-year research project Cineviz aims at jointly developing tools for movie previsualization, mixing virtual camera systems (like Mr Melies) and computational aspects such as viewpoint computation, camera planning, and automated…

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