PhD proposal – Learning and applications in biology

To apply, go to Inria’s dedicated website before Apr. 14, 2017.


Learning and applications in biology
Position type: PhD Student
Functional area: Sophia-Antipolis
Research theme: Applied Mathematics, computation and simulation
Project: MCTAO
Scientific advisor:
HR Contact:
Application deadline: 14/04/2017
About Inria and the job
Inria, the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, promotes “scientific excellence for technology transfer and society”. Graduates from the world’s top universities, Inria’s 2,700 employees rise to the challenges of digital sciences. With its open, agile model, Inria is able to explore original approaches with its partners in industry and academia and provide an efficient response to the multidisciplinary and application challenges of the digital transformation. Inria is the source of many innovations that add value and create jobs.

The McTAO team, created in 2013, in common with Nice Sophia Antipolis University and Bourgogne Franche-Comté University, specializes in control theory, optimal transport and their applications. We collaborate intensively with industry, in particular with industrials from the aerospace sector (Thales Alenia Space, CNES, Airbus Safran Launchers…)

This PhD is concerned with prediction in medicine by means of methods from computer science, optimization and statistics. Tools for supervised or unsupervised learning relying on convex optimization will be chiefly investigated. The objectives of this work are twofold: Improve the overall prediction performance on the one hand, help to select relevant biomarkers on the other. Work in collaboration with I3S (Lab. Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes, CNRS) and IMPC (Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS).
Skills and profile
Grande école or master in applied mathematics with skills in optimization and computational mathematics. A first experience in machine learning applied to biology would be an asset.
Restaurant on site

Participation to public transports costs

Salaire mensuel brut proposé : 1982 € la première et deuxième année
2085 € la troisième année

Additional information
36 months contract

Starting Date : 1st october 2017

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