April 2017 archive

Séminaire de géométrie hamiltonienne (Paris 6) – Avril 2017

Séminaire de géométrie hamiltonienne (Paris 6) – Avril 2017 Campus Jussieu, vendredi 10:30 (salle 15-25.502) Organisateurs : M. Chaperon, M. Irigoyen, L. Lazzarini, J.-P. Marco, J.-B. Caillau   Vendredi 21 Avril. Luigi Chierchia (Rome). Stability exponents in Nekhoroshev’s Theorem I will briefly discuss a recent proof of Nekhoroshev’s Theorem in the general steep case, which leads to …

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PhD proposal – Learning and applications in biology

To apply, go to Inria’s dedicated website before Apr. 14, 2017.   Learning and applications in biology Position type: PhD Student Functional area: Sophia-Antipolis Research theme: Applied Mathematics, computation and simulation Project: MCTAO Scientific advisor: jean-baptiste.caillau@inria.fr HR Contact: christine.anglade@inria.fr Application deadline: 14/04/2017     About Inria and the job Inria, the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, promotes “scientific excellence …

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