INRIA Senior Research Scientist
Head of the Project Team MAGIQUE-3D
email :
Tel : +33 5 59 40 75 40
Postal address:
Université de Pau – Magique 3D
Avenue de l’Université,
BP 1155
Conference Proceedings
- titre
- The effects of Cowling’s approximation on adiabatic wave propagation for radially symmetric backgrounds in helioseismology
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lola Chabat, Florian Faucher, Damien Fournier, Ha Pham
- article
- Rencontre JCJC Ondes 2024, Nov 2024, PARIS, France
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- titre
- Numerical inverse wave problem in anisotropic elastic media
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Ha Pham, Otmar Scherzer, Hélène Barucq
- article
- Workshop on Computational methods for Inverse and Ill-posed problems, University College London, Nov 2024, London, United Kingdom
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- titre
- Bringing seismic monitoring for CO2 geological storage into GEOS and PyGeos: wave propagation kernels with anisotropy and attenuation, DAS acquisition, integrated workflows and more
- auteur
- Aurélien Citrain, Hélène Barucq, Stefano Frambati, Henri Calandra, Florian Faucher, Jie Meng
- article
- Mathias DAYS 2024, TotalEnergies, Sep 2024, Magny le Hongre, France
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- titre
- On the detectability of CO2 plumes with seismic records: a numerical simulation study on the Otway case
- auteur
- Chengyi Shen, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Florian Faucher, Stefano Frambati
- article
- MATHIAS DAYS 2024, TotalEnergies, Sep 2024, Magny-le-Hongre, France
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- titre
- Computation of electromagnetic modes at low frequencies
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé, Christian Gout, Augustin Leclerc, Antoine Tonnoir
- article
- WAVES 2024 -The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Max Planck Institute for Solar System, Göttingen University, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany
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- titre
- The effects of Cowling’s approximation on adiabatic wave propagation for radially symmetric backgrounds in helioseismology
- auteur
- Lola Chabat, Florian Faucher, Ha Pham, Hélène Barucq, Damien Fournier
- article
- WAVES 2024 – he 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jun 2024, BERLIN, Germany
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- titre
- Effective construction of ROM bases using a Fréchet-derivative based approach. Application to Full Waveform Inversion.
- auteur
- Julien Besset, Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Stefano Frambati
- article
- Waves 2024 – International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany. pp.927 – 936, ⟨10.1190/1.1437051⟩
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- titre
- On the well-posedness of Pride system for modeling seismo-electric effects wave propagation in conductive porous media
- auteur
- Arjeta Heta, Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Julien Diaz
- article
- WAVES 2024 – 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, WAVES 2024, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany
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- titre
- Absorbing boundary conditions and an algorithm for computing Green’s tensor for Galbrun’s equation in radial symmetry
- auteur
- Ha Pham, Florian Faucher, Damien Fournier, Hélène Barucq, Laurent Gizon
- article
- Waves 2024 – The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany
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- titre
- Time-harmonic inverse wave problem in linear viscoelasticity
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Ha Pham, Otmar Scherzer, Hélène Barucq
- article
- WAVES 2024 – 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany
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- titre
- Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin method for solving anisotropic wave propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Ha Pham, Florian Faucher
- article
- WAVES 2024 – 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jun 2024, Berlin, Germany
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- titre
- Fréchet-Taylor-Based approach for efficient ROM construction and Line Search acceleration.
- auteur
- Julien Besset, Rabia Djellouli, Hélène Barucq, Stefano Frambati
- article
- Eccomas 2024 – 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2024, Lisboa, Portugal
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- titre
- New Stabilization of Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for anisotropic wave equation in Voigt notation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Ha Pham
- article
- ECCOMAS 2024 – 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
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- titre
- A Novel Trefftz-Based Computational Strategy for Solving Wave Propagation Problems
- auteur
- Ibrahima Djiba, Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- ECCOMAS 2024 – 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
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- titre
- HDG approximation of time-harmonic waves in elastic heterogeneous media with application to Full-Waveform Inversion
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Ha Pham
- article
- Contemporary Challenges in Trefftz Methods, from Theory to Applications, CMO-BIRS workshop, May 2024, Oaxaca, Mexico
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- titre
- Full Waveform Inversion using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- auteur
- Julien Besset, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Stefano Frambati
- article
- Mathias Days, Oct 2023, Marne-la -Vallée, France
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- titre
- Can we improve the efficiency of acoustic wave solver with Machine Learning ?
- auteur
- Nicolas Victorion, Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Henri Calandra, Emmanuel Franck
- article
- Mathias Days TotalEnergies, Oct 2023, Marne la Vallée (Ile de France), France
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- titre
- Improving the efficiency of acoustic wave solver with optimized FD andby coupling FEM with Machine Learning
- auteur
- Nicolas Victorion, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Emmanuel Franck, Florian Faucher
- article
- Rencontre Ondes et et leurs Applications (ROA), Jun 2023, PAU, France
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- titre
- Effects of Cowling approximation on solar oscillations in radial symmetry
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lola Chabat, Florian Faucher, Damien Fournier, Ha Pham
- article
- Journées Rencontre Onde et Applications, Jun 2023, Pau (FRA), France
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- titre
- Precision of DAS simulation for CO2 monitoring and FWI application
- auteur
- Chengyi Shen, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Florian Faucher, Stefano Frambati
- article
- 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2023, Vienna, Austria. pp.1-5, ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.2023101482⟩
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- titre
- Understanding the invisible through numerical simulation of wave propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq
- article
- SMAI 2023 – 11e Biennale française de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, Université des Antilles, May 2023, Le Gosier (Guadeloupe), France
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- titre
- Méthode de décomposition de domaine basée sur une formulation de Trefftz pour l’acoustique anisotrope
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Ibrahima Djiba, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Smai 2023 – 11e Biennale française de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, May 2023, Le Gosier (Guadeloupe), France
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- titre
- Optimized Finite Differences methods and Machine Learning to reduce numerical dispersion for the wave equation
- auteur
- Nicolas Victorion, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Florian Faucher, Emmanuel Franck
- article
- Journées Ondes Sud-Ouest (JOSO), Mar 2023, Toulouse, France
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- titre
- Elastic Full Waveform Inversion in the frequency domain with a face-based finite element method
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Ha Pham
- article
- Mathias Days 2022, Oct 2022, Marne-la -Vallée, France
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- titre
- Optimized Finite Differences methods and Machine Learning to reduce numerical dispersion for the wave equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Florian Faucher, Nicolas Victorion
- article
- Mathias Days 2022, Oct 2022, Marne-la -Vallée, France
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- titre
- Design for optimized Full Waveform Inversion for seismic in GEOSX: challenges and current trends
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Besset, Henri Calandra, Stefano Frambati
- article
- Mathias Days, TotalEnergies, Oct 2022, Marne La Vallée, France
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- titre
- A HDG Framework For Convected Wave Equations. Applications In Heliosesimology.
- auteur
- Nathan Rouxelin, Hélène Barucq, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Aug 2022, Vienna, Austria
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- titre
- Low-order Absorbing Boundary Conditions in HDG discretization of the convected Helmholtz equation
- auteur
- Nathan Rouxelin, Hélène Barucq, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Waves 2022 15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jul 2022, Palaiseau, France, Jul 2022, Palaiseau, France
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- titre
- On the construction of Shape Functions for Spacetime Trefftz-DG Formulations of Wave Problems with Perfectly Matched Layers
- auteur
- Vinduja Vasanthan, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Waves 2022 – 15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jul 2022, Palaiseau, France
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- titre
- Modal computation for open waveguides
- auteur
- Augustin Leclerc, Antoine Tonnoir, Hélène Barucq, Marc Durufle, Christian Gout
- article
- WAVES 2022 – 15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jul 2022, Palaiseau, France
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- titre
- Conditions aux Limites Absorbantes d’ordre faible pour l’équation de Helmholtz convectée
- auteur
- Nathan Rouxelin, Hélène Barucq, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- 45ème Congrès d’Analyse Numérique, Jun 2022, Évian-les-bains, France
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- titre
- Spacetime Trefftz-DG Formulation for Modelling Wave Propagation in Unbounded Domains
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Vinduja Vasanthan
- article
- ECCOMAS – The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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- titre
- Frequency-domain acoustic wave modeling via unstructured isogeometric analysis: performance and pollution study
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Stefano Frambati
- article
- ECCOMAS Congress 2022, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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- titre
- Atmospheric radiation boundary conditions for the wave equation in helioseismology
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Damien Fournier, Laurent Gizon, Ha Pham
- article
- ECCOMAS Congress 2022 – The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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- titre
- Efficient computation of modal outgoing Green’s kernels in helioseismology
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Damien Fournier, Laurent Gizon, Ha Pham
- article
- ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022 – The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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- titre
- Quantitative comparison of seismoelectric laboratory data with numerical modelling based on electrokinetic theory
- auteur
- Victor Martins Gomes, Daniel Brito, Stéphane Garambois, Clarisse Bordes, Hélène Barucq
- article
- EGU General Assembly 2022, May 2022, Vienna, Austria
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- titre
- Efficient computation of modal Green’s kernels with application to helioseismology
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Ha Pham, Laurent Gizon, Damien Fournier
- article
- AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Dec 2021, New Orleans, United States
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- titre
- Unlocking the power of unstructured Isogeometric Analysis: some recent mathematical advances and a more unified framework for the numerical analysis of PDEs
- auteur
- Stefano Frambati, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Mathias Days 2021 – Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence – TotalEnergies R&D, Oct 2021, Paris, France
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- titre
- PML applied to spacetime Trefftz-DG numerical formulation for the elastic wave equation
- auteur
- Vinduja Vasanthan, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Mathias Days 2021, TotalEnergies, Oct 2021, Paris, France
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- titre
- Seismoelectric effects for geothermal resources assessment and monitoring
- auteur
- Christina Morency, Eric Matzel, Niels Grobbe, Daniel Brito, Clarisse Bordes, Mathieu Bellanger, Mathieu Auxiètre, Kirsti Midttømme, Walter Wheeler, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Bjarte Fagerås
- article
- IMAGE 2021 – Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting and Exposition, Sep 2021, Denver, United States. ⟨10.1190/segam2021-3587371.1⟩
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- titre
- Unlocking the power of unstructured Isogeometric Analysis: a unified framework and some applications to wave propagation and elasticity
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Stefano Frambati
- article
- IX International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis, Sep 2021, Lyon, France
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- titre
- Experiments and Modelling of Seismoelectrics in the Ultrasonic Range: A Comparison With Electrokinetic Theory
- auteur
- Victor Martins Gomes, Daniel Brito, Stéphane Garambois, Clarisse Bordes, Hélène Barucq
- article
- NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Aug 2021, [Hybrid], France. pp.1-5, ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.202120159⟩
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- titre
- PML applied to spacetime Trefftz-DG numerical formulation for the acoustic wave equation
- auteur
- Vinduja Vasanthan, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Icosahom 2020 – International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods, Jul 2021, Vienna, Austria
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- titre
- Outgoing solutions and radiation conditions of the scalar wave equation in helioseismology.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher, Ha Pham, Laurent Gizon, Damien Fournier
- article
- SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2021, Jun 2021, Milan, Italy
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- titre
- Convergence analysis of HDG formulations for the convected Helmholtz equation
- auteur
- Nathan Rouxelin, Hélène Barucq, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- ICOSAHOM 2021 – International conference on spectral and high-order methods 2021, Apr 2021, Vienna (Online), Austria
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- titre
- Vectorial problem with 1D background model: Spherical harmonics decomposition
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Ha Pham, Laurent Gizon, Damien Fournier
- article
- ANTS Workshop on Computational Helioseismology 2021, Mar 2021, Gottingen, Germany
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- titre
- Numerical simulation of aeroacoustic wave propagation in the Sun
- auteur
- Nathan Rouxelin, Hélène Barucq, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- WCCM ECCOMAS 2020 – 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jan 2021, Paris (online), France
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- titre
- Unstructured Multi-Patch DG-IGA Formulation for Wave Propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Stefano Frambati
- article
- WCCM 2020 – 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics – ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Jan 2021, Paris, France
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- titre
- Spacetime Trefftz-DG formulation for Wave Propagation using Tent-Pitching Meshes
- auteur
- Vinduja Vasanthan, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Eccomas Congress 2020 & WCCM 2020 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering & 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Jan 2021, Paris, France
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- titre
- Wave-propagation modeling using the distributional finite difference method
- auteur
- Yder Masson, Julien Diaz, Florian Faucher, Sevan Adourian, Barbara Romanowicz, Hélène Barucq
- article
- AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
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- titre
- Numerical Scheme Impacts on Time Domain Full Waveform Inversion
- auteur
- Pierre Jacquet, Andreas Atle, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- MATHIAS 2019, Oct 2019, Serris, France
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- titre
- High-order DG-SE approximations of elastodynamic wave problems with stable Perfectly Matched Layers
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- MATHIAS 2019, Oct 2019, Serris, France
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- titre
- Time Domain Full Waveform Inversion involving Discontinuous Galerkin approximation
- auteur
- Pierre Jacquet, Andreas Atle, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- WAVES 2019 – 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Aug 2019, Vienna, Austria
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- titre
- High order discretization of seismic waves-problems based upon DG-SE methods
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- WAVES 2019 – 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Aug 2019, Vienne, Austria
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- titre
- Space-time Trefftz-DG methods on tent pitching meshes for elastoacoustic wave propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Elvira Shishenina
- article
- ICIAM 2019 – International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Jul 2019, Valencia, Spain
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- titre
- Seismic reconstruction using FWI with reciprocity misfit functional and dual-sensors data
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Giovanni Alessandrini, Hélène Barucq, Maarten V. de Hoop, Romina Gaburro, Eva Sincich
- article
- Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Jul 2019, Grenoble, France
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- titre
- Modeling seismic wave propagation through the Earth for imaging localized structures
- auteur
- Yder Masson, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Barbara Romanowicz, Sevan Adourian
- article
- EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria. pp.2019 – 8286
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- titre
- Approximation SEM-DG pour les problèmes d’ondes elasto-acoustiques
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- JOSO 2019 – Journées Ondes Sud-Ouest, Mar 2019, Le Barp, France
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- titre
- On the finite element solution of helmholtz problems in anisotropic media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, Julien Diaz, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Journées Ondes Sud-Ouest (JOSO), Mar 2019, Le Barp, France
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- titre
- Seismic reconstruction using FWI with dual-sensors data.
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Giovanni Alessandrini, Hélène Barucq, Maarten V. de Hoop, Romina Gaburro, Eva Sincich
- article
- GDR MecaWave, Nov 2018, Fréjus, France
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- titre
- Quantitative localization of small obstacles in acoustic media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Ha Pham, Florian Faucher
- article
- GDR MecaWave – 1er colloque du GdR MecaWave, Nov 2018, Fréjus, France
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- titre
- Full Waveform Inversion Adjoint Studies MATHIAS 2018
- auteur
- Pierre Jacquet, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- MATHIAS 2018 – Computational Science Engineering & Data Science by TOTAL, Oct 2018, Serris, France
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- titre
- SEM-DG Approximation for elasto-acoustics
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- MATHIAS 2018 Computational Science Engineering & Data Science by TOTAL, Oct 2018, Serris, France
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- titre
- On the coupling of Spectral Element Method with Discontinuous Galerkin approximation for elasto-acoustic problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- 13th World Congress of Computational Mecanics, Jul 2018, New-York, United States
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- titre
- Space-time Trefftz-DG approach for elasto-acoustic wave propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Elvira Shishenina
- article
- WCCM 2018 – 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2018, New-York, United States
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- titre
- Quantitative Convergence and Stability of Seismic Inverse Problems.
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Guy Chavent
- article
- Reconstruction Methods for Inverse Problems, May 2018, Rome, Italy
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- titre
- Hybrid space discretization to solve elasto-acoustic coupling
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- Fifth international congress on multiphysics, multiscale, and optimization problems, May 2018, Bilbao, Spain
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- titre
- Convergence of seismic full waveform inversion and extension to Cauchy data
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Guy Chavent, Florian Faucher
- article
- Inverse Days 2017, Dec 2017, Oulu, Finland
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- titre
- Direct and inverse problem in multiple-scattering of small obstacles in homogeneous media.
- auteur
- Ha Pham, Hélène Barucq, Juliette Chabassier, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Journées jeunes chercheur-e-s sur la résolution de problèmes d’ondes harmoniques de grande taille, Nov 2017, Paris, France. pp.1-64
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- titre
- On the development of locally implicit schemes for linear wave problems
- auteur
- Mamadou N’Diaye, Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé
- article
- MATHIAS 2017 – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Oct 2017, Val d’Europe, France. pp.1-23
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- titre
- Spectral Element Method and Discontinuous Galerkin approximation for elasto-acoustic problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz, Christian Gout
- article
- MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Oct 2017, Paris, France
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- titre
- Convergence Analysis for Seismic Full Waveform Inversion
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Guy Chavent, Florian Faucher
- article
- MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Oct 2017, Paris, France
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- titre
- Trefftz -Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for Solving Elastodynamic Problem
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Elvira Shishenina
- article
- ENUMATH 2017 – European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Sep 2017, Voss, Norway
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- titre
- Stability and convergence for seismic reconstruction using full waveform inversion
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Guy Chavent, Maarten V. de Hoop, Florian Faucher
- article
- Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) Group Seminar, Jul 2017, Linz, Austria
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- titre
- Current trends in solving full-wave equation for imaging complex media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq
- article
- 2017 – Equations hyperboliques et physique mathématique, May 2017, Bordeaux, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- A Trefftz method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to a high-order DG finite element method
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, Julien Diaz, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- WAVES 2017 – 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, May 2017, Minnesota, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Trefftz-DG Approximation for the Elasto-Acoustics
- auteur
- Henri Calandra, Elvira Shishenina, Julien Diaz, Hélène Barucq
- article
- WAVES 2017 – 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, May 2017, Minneapolis, United States
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- titre
- Numerical Robustness of Single Layer method with Fourier basis in 2D multiple obstacle scattering
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Ha Pham, Juliette Chabassier, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- WAVES 2017 – 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation , May 2017, Minneapolis, United States. pp.1-34
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- titre
- Stability and convergence analysis for seismic depth imaging using FWI
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Guy Chavent, Maarten V. de Hoop, Florian Faucher
- article
- Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations Workshop, May 2017, Oberwolfach, Germany. pp.67–70, ⟨10.4171/OWR/2017/24⟩
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- titre
- A-stable high-order implicit time schemes
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé, Mamadou N’Diaye
- article
- Waves 2017 International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, May 2017, Minneapolis, United States
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- titre
- Full determination of the characteristics of elastic scatters from some FFP measurements
- auteur
- Izar Azpiroz, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Rabia Djellouli
- article
- WAVES 2017 – 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, May 2017, Minneapolis, United States. pp.1-84
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- titre
- A Family of Linear Singly Diagonal Runge-Kutta Methods and High Order Pade’s Schemes for ODE
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé, Mamadou N’Diaye
- article
- Mathias – annual TOTAL seminar on Mathematics, Numerical simulations, Applied Maths, Numerical Methods, HPC, Parallel Programming, Data processing, Optimization, Oct 2016, Val d’Europe, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Trefftz-DG Approximation for the Elasto-Acoustics
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Elvira Shishenina
- article
- Workshop de DIP, l’action stratégique INRIA TOTAL, Oct 2016, Houston, United States
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- titre
- Inverse Problem in the Frequency Domain for Subsurface Reconstruction
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Maarten V. de Hoop, Henri Calandra
- article
- Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL),, Oct 2016, Houston, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- A study of Numerical Dispersion for Helmholtz equation in one dimension by Z transform
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Sébastien Tordeux, Ha Pham
- article
- GEAGAM Network, Sep 2016, Houston, United States
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- titre
- Efficient high order time schemes for Maxwell’s equations
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé, Mamadou N’Diaye
- article
- ICOSAHOM 2016 – International Conference On Spectral and High Order Methods, Jun 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D Elastic TTI Modeling, Application to Time-Based and Time-Harmonic Simulations
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference & Exhibition, Apr 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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- titre
- Multiscale Medium Approximation: Application to Geophysical Benchmarks
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- Saint Petersburg 2016 International Conference & Exhibition, EAGE, Apr 2016, Saint Petersbourg, Russia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Full Waveform Inversion for Elastic Medium using Quantitative Lipschitz Stability Estimates
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Maarten V. de Hoop
- article
- EAGE Saint Petersburg 2016 International Conference & Exhibition, EAGE, Apr 2016, St Petersburg, Russia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- A Finite Element Method Whose Shape Functions are Constructed Thanks to a Boundary Element Method,
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, M’Barek Fares, Vanessa Mattesi, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition, Apr 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia. ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.201600120⟩
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- titre
- Shape and material parameter reconstruction of an isotropic or anisotropic solid immersed in a fluid
- auteur
- Izar Azpiroz, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Rabia Djellouli
- article
- Inverse Problems for PDEs, University of Bremen, Germany, Mar 2016, Bremen, Germany
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- titre
- Stability Estimates for the Helmholtz Inverse Problem and Seismic Reconstruction
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Elena Beretta, Henri Calandra, Maarten V. de Hoop, Florian Faucher, Otmar Scherzer
- article
- Workshop on Inverse Problems for PDEs, Mar 2016, Bremen, Germany
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- titre
- Handling clusters with a task-based runtime system: application to Geophysics
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Corentin Rossignon, George Bosilca, Emmanuel Agullo, Henri Calandra, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- Rice – Oil & Gas HPC Workshop, Mar 2016, Houston, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High-order numerical schemes for imaging the subsurface
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq
- article
- 2016 – Computational and Numerical Analysis of Transient Problems in Acoustics, Elasticity, and Electromagnetism, Jan 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Impedance Transmission Conditions for the Electric Potential across a Highly Conductive Casing
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Aralar Erdozain, David Pardo, Victor Péron
- article
- WONAPDE 2016 – Fifth Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Jan 2016, Concepción, Chile
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- On a boundary layer phenomenon in acoustic media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Juliette Chabassier, Marc Duruflé, Victor Péron
- article
- WONAPDE 2016 – 5th Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Jan 2016, Concepción, Chile. pp.1-42
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- Description of a boundary layer phenomenon in acoustic media with a multi-scale expansion. Application
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Juliette Chabassier, Marc Duruflé, Victor Péron
- article
- V-MAD 2016 – 6th Valparaíso’s Mathematics and its Applications Days, Jan 2016, Valparaiso, Chile. pp.1-42
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Impedance Transmission Conditions for the Electric Potential across a Highly Conductive Casing
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Aralar Erdozain, David Pardo, Victor Péron
- article
- V-MAD6 – Valparaíso’s Mathematics and its Applications Days, Jan 2016, Valparíso, Chile
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- A non-dispersive discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of acoustic scattering in complex media.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, Julien Diaz, M’Barek Fares, Vanessa Mattesi, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Fall 2015 – 170th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, Nov 2015, Jacksonville, United States. ⟨10.1121/1.4933581⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D elastic TTI modeling
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- SEG – Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Oct 2015, Nouvelle-Orléans, United States. pp.535-540, ⟨10.1190/segam2015-5910360.1⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Portable task-based programming for seismic wave propagation simulation in time domain
- auteur
- Emmanuel Agullo, Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, George Bosilca, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- HOSCAR – 5th Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq), Sep 2015, Sophia Antipolis, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High Order Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the 2D Helmholtz Equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Juliette Chabassier, Morgane Bergot
- article
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- titre
- Solving the forward problem of helioseismology in the frequency domain
- auteur
- Laurent Gizon, Hélène Barucq, Marc Duruflé, C. Aaron Birch, Juliette Chabassier, Damien Fournier, Cristopher Hanson
- article
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- High-Order IPDG Approximations for Elasto-Acoustic Problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Henri Calandra, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Jun 2015, Stanford, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Multiscale Medium Approximation for the Helmholtz equation. Application to geophysical benchmarks.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- Third Workshop of the strategic action DIP, Jun 2015, Pau, France
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- titre
- Stable TTI Acousto-Elastic simulations
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL), Jun 2015, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Stability estimates for full waveform inversion
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Maarten V. de Hoop, Henri Calandra, Jia Shi
- article
- Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL),, Jun 2015, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High-order Discontinuous Galerkin approximations for elasto-acoustic scattering problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XIV Congress on Applied Mathematics (XXIV CEDYA / XIV CMA), Jun 2015, Cadiz, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Seismic Wave Propagation in a HPC Framework
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Marie Bonnasse-Gahot, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Stéphane Lanteri
- article
- Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC 15), Jun 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
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- titre
- Pollution analysis for high order discretizations of highly heterogeneous Helmholtz problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- Exploring the earth, Team MAGIQUE-3D, May 2015, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Elastic isotropic full waveform inversion via quantitative stability estimates
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Maarten V. de Hoop, Henri Calandra, Jia Shi
- article
- GEAGAM Workshop On Advanced Subsurface Visualization Methods, May 2015, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Performance assessments of absorbing conditions for the reverse time-harmonic migration
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Morgane Bergot, Juliette Chabassier, Julien Diaz
- article
- PANACM 2015 – 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanic, Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.1-8
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- 1st. Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Elastic isotropic full waveform inversion via quantitative stability estimates
- auteur
- Florian Faucher, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Maarten V. de Hoop, Jia Shi
- article
- PANACM (Pan-American Congress On Computational Mechanics) 2015, Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for 3D Tilted Transverse Isotropic media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- First Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanic (PANACM 2015), Apr 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Portable task-based programming for elastodynamics
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Emmanuel Agullo, George Bosilca, Henri Calandra, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- Rice – Oil & Gas HPC Workshop, Mar 2015, Houston, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- A discontinuous Galerkin method whose shape functions are constructed thanks to an integral equation formulation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, Julien Diaz, M’Barek Fares, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- CG 2014 – Second Russian – French Workshop “Computational Geophysics”, Sep 2014, Berdsk, Russia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- (Portable) Task-based programming model for elastodynamics
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- EAGE workshop on HPC for Upstream, Sep 2014, Chania, Greece. pp.1-4, ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.20141922⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- Second Russian-French Workshop “Computational Geophysics”, Sep 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Tilted Transverse Isotropic elastic media
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- ECCOMAS, WCCM XI – ECCM V – ECFD VI, Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Imaging of complex media with elastic wave equations
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Jérôme Luquel
- article
- 2014 eccomas, Jul 2014, barcelone, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Helmholtz equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Eccomas, Jul 2014, Barcelone, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Shape Reconstruction of Non-convex Elastic Scatterers Using a Regularized Newton-type Method
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Jul 2014, Madrid, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Arbitrary High Order Time Scheme for Wave Equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Jul 2014, Madrid, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Helmholtz Equation in Highly Heterogeneous Media: a two Scales Analysis
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout
- article
- Third international workshop on multiphysics, multiscale and optimization problem, May 2014, Bilbao, Spain
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Optimized wave propagation for geophysics
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- Journée scientifique du MCIA (Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain), Feb 2014, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High order schemes for the first order formulation of the wave equation. Application to seismic imaging.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- Journées Ondes du Sud-Ouest, Feb 2014, Toulouse, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- On the use of high-order schemes for seismic imaging
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- Valparaíso Numérico IV : Séptimo Encuentro de Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Dec 2013, Valparaiso, Chile
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High-Order Time Scheme Of The Wave Equation Using Nabla-P Scheme
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia, Henri Calandra
- article
- Mathias 2013, Oct 2013, Paris, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Some Mathematical and Numerical Aspects on the Solution of Inverse Elasto-Acoustic Problems
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq
- article
- Congrès de Mathématiques Appliquées en l’honneur de Mohamed Amara, Laboratoire d’EDP Non Linéaires, ENS-Kouba, Sep 2013, Alger, Algeria
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Mathematical and numerical seismic imaging based on high-order schemes
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq
- article
- Journée Ondes et problèmes inverses en géophysique, SMAI, Sep 2013, Paris, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- The Multiscale Hybrid Mixed Method for the Helmholtz Equation.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Christian Gout, Frédéric Valentin
- article
- HOSCAR – 3rd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq) (2013), Sep 2013, Bordeaux, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High-Order Explicit Time Scheme for Simulation of Wave Propagation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- HOSCAR – 3rd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq), Sep 2013, Bordeaux, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Shape reconstruction of non-convex elastic scatterers using a regularized Newton-type method
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- JSA 2013 – MC’65 – Journées Singulières Augmentées 2013, Conférence en l’honneur de Martin Costabel pour ses 65 ans, Aug 2013, Rennes, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Optimized propagators for elastic waves with anisotropy Part 1: Applied Mathematics Part 2: High-Performance Computing
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Emmanuel Agullo, Hélène Barucq, George Bosilca, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- XSEDE — International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences (PRACE workshop), Jun 2013, New York, United States
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- A regularized Newton method for the solution of an inverse obstacle scattering problem in fluid-solid interaction
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- COMPDYN 2013 – 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering – 2013, Jun 2013, Kos, Greece
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Inversion of Magnetotelluric Measurements Using Multigoal Oriented hp-adaptivity
- auteur
- Julen Alvarez-Aramberri, David Pardo, Hélène Barucq
- article
- ICCS 2013 – International Conference on Computational Science, Jun 2013, Barcelona, Spain. pp.1564-1573, ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.324⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High Order Time Discretization Of The Wave Equation By Nabla-P Scheme. Application to the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- WAVES 2013, Jun 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia
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- titre
- Performance assesment of a fractional radiation boundary condition for the Helmholtz equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Chokri Bekkey, Julien Diaz
- article
- WAVES 13 : 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, ENIT Lamsin, Jun 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia. pp.291-292
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Perfectly Matched Layers for linearized and non linear Shallow Water equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Mounir Tlemcani
- article
- WAVES 13 : 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, ENIT Lamsin, Jun 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia. pp.297-298
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Tilted Transverse Isotropic waves in Reverse Time Migration context
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Waves — International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Jun 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Numerical Analysis of a reduced formulation of an elasto-acoustic scattering problem
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Juliette Chabassier, Julien Diaz, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- WAVES 13 : 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Jun 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- Une méthode de Newton régularisée pour la solution d’un problème inverse de type élasto-acoustique
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- Congrès SMAI 2013 – 6e Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, May 2013, Seignosse, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High-Order Time Discretization Of The Wave Equation By Nabla-P Scheme
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia, Henri Calandra
- article
- SMAI 2013, May 2013, Seignosse, France. pp.ESAIM: PROCEEDINGS
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Méthodes d’ordre élevé pour l’imagerie sismique mathématique
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- Haute Fréquence, Mar 2013, Nancy, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High order time discretization of the wave equation by nabla-p schemes
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia, Henri Calandra
- article
- Aquitanie-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics (Aquitanie-Euskadi 2012), Oct 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- On the solution of an inverse obstacle problem in fluid-solid interaction: connection with the direct scattering problem
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- Aquitanie-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Oct 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Optimized propagators for elastic waves in anisotropic (TTI) media Part 1: Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABC)
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Aquitaine-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics (INRIA-BCAM), Oct 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Optimized propagators for elastic waves in anisotropic (TTI) media Part 1: Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABC)
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Oct 2012, Paris, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High order time scheme for the first order wave equation using nabla-p scheme. Application to the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia, Henri Calandra
- article
- Symposium MATHIAS 2012, TOTAL SA, Oct 2012, Paris, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Introduction to the mathematical analysis of the Helmholtz equation : Sommerfeld condition, limiting amplitude principle and limiting absorption principle
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Sébastien Tordeux
- article
- Summer School Jaca 2012, Sep 2012, Jaca, Spain
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- On the solution of inverse obstacle elasto-acoustic scattering problems by a regularized Newton method
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- ECCOMAS 2012 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Sep 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Parallel optimization of a Discontinuous Galerkin method for seismic imaging simulation. Towards the Intel MIC acceleration.
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- HOSCAR – 2nd Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq), Sep 2012, Petropilis, Brazil
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- HOSCAR – 1st Brazil-French workshop on High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications (INRIA-CNPq), Jul 2012, Sophia Antipolis, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- On the influence of curvature on transmission conditions
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Martin J. Gander, Yingxiang Xu
- article
- Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, Jun 2012, Rennes, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- ICOSAHOM – International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, Jun 2012, Gammarth, Tunisia
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- 1st Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems, Jun 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- High Order Schemes and Local Time Stepping for Solving Elastodynamic Wave Equation in Strongly Heterogeneous Media.
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- First Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems, Jun 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- On the reconstruction of an elastic scatterer immersed in a homogeneous fluid
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- First Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems, Jun 2012, Biarritz, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing boundary conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- High Order Schemes For The First Order Wave Equation. Application to the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia, Henri Calandra
- article
- Workshop DIP Total/Inria, Apr 2012, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Conditions for anisotropic elastodynamic media
- auteur
- Lionel Boillot, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Henri Calandra
- article
- Workshop DIP – Depth Imaging Partnership (INRIA-TOTAL), Apr 2012, Pau, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Characterization of the Fréchet derivative of the elastoacoustic field with respect to Lipschitz domains
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- WAVES – Tenth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves – 2011, Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
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- titre
- Complete factorization of the wave equation for the construction of absorbing boundary conditions involving a fractional derivative
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2011), Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
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- titre
- Hybrid local-time stepping strategy for the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Florent Ventimiglia
- article
- 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2011), Jul 2011, Vancouver, Canada
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- titre
- Enriched Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Acoustic Waves
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Jun 2011, Newark, United States
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- titre
- Analysis of the Fréchet differentiability with Respect to Lipschitz Domains for an Elasto-Acoustic Scattering Problem
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Elodie Estecahandy
- article
- FACM11 – Eighth Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics 2011, Jun 2011, Newark, United States
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- titre
- Explicit hp-Adaptive Time Scheme for the Wave Equation
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- Domain Decomposition (DD20), Feb 2011, San Diego, United States
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- titre
- Schémas d’ordre élevé à pas de temps local pour la résolution de l’équation des ondes
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- Séminaire du Groupe de Modélisation Mathématiques Mécanique et Numérique (GM3N), Oct 2010, Caen, France
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- titre
- Development and optimization of absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic wave problems in complex media
- auteur
- Véronique Duprat, Julien Diaz, Hélène Barucq
- article
- XIV Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French school on numerical simulation in physics and engineering, Sep 2010, A Coruna, Spain
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- titre
- High-Order Schemes with Local Time Stepping for Solving the Wave Equation in a Reverse Time Migration Algorithm
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- 2010 ISFMA Symposium & Shanghai Summer School on Maxwell’ equations: Theoretical and Numerical Issues with Applications, Jul 2010, Shanghaï, China
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- titre
- Absorbing Boundary Condition Taking into Account the Grazing Modes
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- 2010 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN10), Jul 2010, Pittsburgh, United States
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- titre
- Factorisation complète de l’équation des ondes pour la construction de conditions aux limites absorbantes
- auteur
- Véronique Duprat, Julien Diaz, Hélène Barucq
- article
- CANUM 2010, 40e Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique, May 2010, Carcans Maubuisson, France
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- titre
- Méthodes numériques pour l’imagerie sismique
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- Congrès d’Analyse NUMérique, May 2010, Carcans-Maubuisson, France
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- titre
- An efficient multi-step procedure for enriching limited two-dimensional far-field pattern measurements
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, C. Bekkey, Rabia Djellouli
- article
- ECCM – 2010-IV EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL MECANICS, Solids, Structure and Coupled Problems in Engineering, May 2010, Paris, France. pp.189–216
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- titre
- Slimming Brick Cache Strategies for Seismic Horizon Propagation Algorithms
- auteur
- Jonathan Gallon, Sébastien Guillon, Bruno Jobard, Hélène Barucq, Noomane Keskes
- article
- Eurographics/IEEE VGTC on Volume Graphics, Eurographics/IEEE VGTC, May 2010, Norrköping, Sweden. pp.37-44, ⟨10.2312/VG/VG10/037-044⟩
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- titre
- Approximate boundary conditions based on a complete transparent condition for the acoustic wave equation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- 10ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
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- titre
- Enriched absorbing boundary conditions for the acoustic wave equation involving a fractional derivative
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- Third Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (WONAPDE 2010), Jan 2010, Concepcion, Chile
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- titre
- An hp-adaptive energy conserving time scheme for the wave equation.
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz
- article
- Third Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, WONAPDE 2010, Jan 2010, Concepcion, Chile
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- titre
- New absorbing boundary conditions for the acoustic wave equation approximated by an IPDG formulation
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- ICTCA 2009, Sep 2009, Dresden, Germany
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- titre
- Comparison of the Performance of Spectral Finite Elements and Interior Penalty Discontinous Galerkin Methods for the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM09), Jun 2009, Trondheim, Norway
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- titre
- IPDG formulation of the acoustic wave equation incorporating absorbing boundary conditions
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009), Jun 2009, Pau, France
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- titre
- Using the Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin method for the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009), Jun 2009, Pau, France
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- titre
- Stable Perfectly Matched Layer for Short Water Waves
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Mounir Tlemcani
- article
- The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation (WAVES 2009), Jun 2009, Pau, France
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- titre
- The Reverse Time Migration technique coupled with interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- Annual meeting of the European Geophysical Union (EGU 09), Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria
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- titre
- Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation applied to seismic Imaging
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz
- article
- 1er colloque Franco-Tunisien de Mathématiques SMF/SMT, Mar 2009, Djerba, Tunisia
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- titre
- High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Reverse Time Migration
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- The 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Jun 2008, Venice, Italy
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- titre
- The reverse time migration technique coupled with finite element methods
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- 5èmes journées du GDR Etude de la propagation ultrasononore en vue du contrôle non-destructif, Jun 2008, Anglet, France
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- titre
- Analysis of the performance of the Interior Penality Discontinuous Galerkin method
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Henri Calandra, Bertrand Denel, Julien Diaz
- article
- Journée en l’honneur de Gene Golub, CERFACS, Feb 2008, Toulouse, France
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- titre
- High Order Absorbing Boundary Conditions for solving the Wave Equation by Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Véronique Duprat
- article
- Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2008, Jaca, Spain
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- titre
- High-order multi-step one-way modeling
- auteur
- Caroline Baldassari, Hélène Barucq, Dimitri Komatitsch, Nicolas Le Goff, Roland Martin
- article
- 8th International conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of waves, WAVES’07, Jul 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
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- titre
- auteur
- Hélène Barucq, Rabia Djellouli, Anne-Gaëlle Saint-Guirons
- article
- International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Jul 2007, Heraklion, Greece
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- titre
- On the Construction of Approximate Boundary Conditions for Solving the Interior Problem of the Acoustic Scattering Transmission Problem
- auteur
- Xavier Antoine, Hélène Barucq
- article
- unknow, 2005, unknow, France. pp.133-140
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- titre
- Modélisation et imagerie en sismique: les acquis, les attentes
- auteur
- Nathalie Favretto-Cristini, Paul Cristini, Dimitri Komatitsch, Hélène Barucq
- article
- 1ère Réunion générale du GDR Ondes (CNRS) « Interférences d’ondes », Dec 2003, Marseille, France
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