INRIA Senior Research Scientist
Head of the Project Team MAKUTU
email :
Tel : +33 5 59 40 75 40
Postal address:
Université de Pau – Makutu
Avenue de l’Université,
BP 1155
Current responsibilities
- Scientific leader of the INRIA Team-Project Magique-3D since 2021
- Co-leader of the project Makutu@TotalEnergies with Henri Calandra since 2022
- Co-leader of Exa-MA project, one of the five project of the Priority Research Program and Equipment Numpex since september 2022
- Vice-Head of the Inria Evaluation Committee from 2010 to 2015
- Adjoint to the scientific delegate of Inria Bordeaux Research Center (2008-2010)
- Member of the Evaluation committee of “programmes Blanc et JCJC” at the ANR (National Research Agency) (2010-2012)
- Head of the team-project Makutu ( created in 2021, following Magique-3D (2005-2021). It is joint with TotalEnergies, UPPA, CNRS and Bordeaux INP.
- Co-head of the focused project ExaMA (part of PEPR Numpex) launched in January 2023.
- Chair of the thematic commission “Algorithmics, Computer Sciences and Mathematics” for GENCI (
- Member of the scientific advisory board of LMA2S (Onera, Toulouse) since March 2021
- Member of the FWO Review College (panels 2022 – 2024)
- Member of the advisory board of CATIE (
- Associate Editor for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Academic experience
- September 2008 – present, Inria Senior Scientist (DR1)
- September 2005 – August 2008, secondment at Inria.
- September 1994 – August 2005, assistant professor at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour
- September 1993-August 1994, assistant teacher at the University of Bordeaux
- Ph. D of Applied Mathematics, December 1993
University Bordeaux I, advisor: Bernard Hanouzet.
- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches , December 2002University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour.Reviewers:
Charbel Farhat, professeur, Université du Colorado à Boulder (USA)
Laurence Halpern, Professeur, Université Paris 13
Patrick Joly, Directeur de Recherche, Inria Rocquencourt