Mamadou N’Diaye defended his PhD

“On the study and development of high-order time integration schemes for ODEs applied to acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation problems.” In this thesis, we study and develop different families of time integration schemes for linear ODEs. After presenting the space discretisation methods and a review of classical Runge-Kutta schemes in…

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Victor Péron defended his “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (HDR)

Analyse asymptotique et calcul scientifique pour des applications en physique Nous présentons quelques contributions autour de l’analyse asymptotique et l’étude des singularités de solutions d’équations aux dérivées partielles de type elliptique, de l’analyse numérique et du calcul scientifique. Ces travaux sont motivés par des applications physiques, essentiellement en électromagnétisme (calcul…

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Florian Faucher defended his PhD

“Contributions to Seismic Full Waveform Inversion for Time Harmonic Wave Equations: Stability Estimates, Convergence Analysis, Numerical Experiments involving Large Scale Optimization Algorithms”   In this project, we investigate the recovery of subsurface Earth parameters. We consider the seismic imaging as a large scale iterative minimization problem, and deploy the Full…

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Vincent Darrigrand defended his PhD

“Goal-oriented adaptivity using unconventional error representations”   In Goal-Oriented Adaptivity (GOA), the error in a Quantity of Interest (QoI) is represented using global error functions of the direct and adjoint problems. This error representation is subsequently bounded above by element-wise error indicators that are used to drive optimal refinements. In…

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