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Ctrl-A seminars

Ctrl-A team on Supervisory control Techniques for Autonomic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable computing Systems

since June 2012

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formerly supported, in its beginnings, by STAARS projet exploratoire (march 2013 – dec. 2014) of the LabEx Persyval-lab

  • Thursday 2 june 2022, 10h00

    -0- team picture (the first official one !)

    -1- short presentations (5 to 10mn) : MSc “mid”-internship and PhD

    • Ahmadreza Ahmadi (M2 MISCIT) « Model Free Control (MFC) approach for the collection of resources in dynamic management of High Performance Computing (HPC)» Abstract :
      I am working on a High Performance Computing (HPC) system hosted at Grenoble Alpes University. The system is not fully used by its main users, and a component named ”CiGri” has been added to inject extra tasks on the system to fully use it. The extra tasks share both the computation resources and the file system for storing intermediate data. The injection of extra tasks is managed with a feedback loop. As the environment is very heterogenous and instable, we proposed to use the Model Free Control (MFC) framework to dynamically manage the utilization of the cluster. The goal is to increase the utilization of the system while avoiding the overload of the file system. We used MFC with the following features: 1) a ‘virtual model’ simple representing the unknown system dynamics, 2) elimination of the need of complex system parameter estimation, and 3) assurance of reduced computational costs. The conducted work explores and adopts MFC using the intelligent PID control law, which assures both robustness and quality reference tracking with respect to time varying system dynamics.
    • Nelson Nkawa (M2 CSI) « Threat modeling for industrials systems security. » Abstract :
      Nowadays, the modernization of the world is based on computer systems. Among these, we notice the growth of industrial systems. Industrial systems provide a large number of services including building management, production and transport. In order to ensure the proper functioning of these systems, three basic security objectives (availability, data integrity and confidentiality) have to be guaranteed. As these systems are evolving, a method (STRIDE) developed by Microsoft will make possible to evaluate and identify potential threats. Starting from the security objectives we define primitives of this method (STRIDE) for the main command control equipment in order to automate the creation of tasks and associated threats. This will be able to feed our template from the manufacturers’ catalogues, and the threats from the CVE databases. We present here the automatic generation of a template from a provided configuration.
    • Mike da Silva (PhD CEA) « Automation of cybersecurity risk analysis of industrial systems. » Abstract: The Information Technologies (IT) are more and more present inside moderns industrial systems beside the Operational Technologies (OT).
      However, IT and OT have different objectives. IT is aimed at data processing while OT is aimed at driving industrial processes. The new design of future factory, “Smart Factories”, break this view converging IT and OT to an hybrid system cyber-physic (Cyber-physical systems, CPS). This new kind of systems exposes the industrial safety infrastructure to IT risks and requires protections. However, the conventional application of cybersecurity are not suitable for this systems. In fact, objectives of cybersecurity are focused on confidentiality, integrity and availibility unlike industial systems which have the dependability as a priority. It is therefore necessary to develop a specific risk analysis for systems that combine either dependability and cybersecurity. To address this problematic, we begin a PhD thesis on “Safety-security models for caracterization of industrial devices security”.

    -2- Estelle Hotellier (PhD Naval Group)

    « Specification-based Intrusion Detection for Hybrid Industrial Control Systems »

    Abstract :
    Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) may be targeted by sophisticated cyberattacks that aim to damage the physical process. Our research consist in developing a behavioral, process-aware, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for complex ICSs. In our approach, complex ICSs are hierarchical control systems built on top of elementary local loops, including discrete distributed control and supervisory control.
    Our approach aims to link safety specifications and security properties. The safety properties are extracted from international and industry standards and then instantiated into security patterns monitored by our network IDS. The monitoring of the security patterns is executed at runtime.
    This detection system monitors network traffic between the distributed control and the local loops.

  • Tuesday 12 avr. 2022, 14h00Salim Chehida (POST-DOC CPS4EU) « Exploration of Impactful Countermeasures on IoT Attacks » joint work with Abdelhakim Baouya, Marius Bozga, Saddek Bensalem (VERIMAG)Abstract:
    Risks mitigation in IoT based systems is one of the recent challenges in both
    academia and industry. In this work, we propose an approach based on the
    attack-defense tree to assess the relevant countermeasures for protecting IoT
    infrastructure. To this end, an attack strategy exploration tool built on the
    top of the statistical model checker and genetic algorithm is used to select
    high impactful countermeasures. From that result, defense strategies are
    highlighted while a compromise guarantee between successful attacks, the cost
    incurred and the time to perform a sequence of attack actions. We report
    experiments applied over IoT network attacks.

    Mots clés :

  • Friday 25 march 2022, 11hQuentin Guilloteau (PhD) « Model-Free Control for Resource Harvesting in Computing Grids » Abstract:
    Cloud and High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are increasingly facing issues of dynamic variability, in particular w.r.t. performance and power consumption. They are becoming less predictable, and therefore demand more runtime management by feedback loops. In this work, we describe results addressing autonomic administration in HPC systems through a control theoretical approach. We more specifically consider the need for controllers that can adapt to variations along time in the behavior of controlled systems, but also to being reused on different systems and processors. We therefore explore the application of Model-Free Control (MFC) in the context of resource harvesting in a Computing Grid, by regulating the injection of flexible jobs while limiting perturbation of the prioritary applications.

    Mots clés : Model-Free Control, Control for Computing, Resource Harvesting

  • Tuesday 7 déc. 2021, 10hKarim Fellah (post-doc) « Analyse et surveillance d’un réseau électrique intelligent en intégrant les énergies renouvelables : le contexte smart grids » Abstract:
    La problématique traitée dans cette thèse est liée au concept de l’analyse et la surveillance de la dynamique d’un réseau électrique intelligent qui est un système complexe ayant pour objectifs l’amélioration de la qualité des interactions entre les différents acteurs énergétiques (producteurs et gestionnaires d’énergie, sources d’énergie, consommateurs, etc.), leur sécurité et aussi la réduction de leur impact environnemental car les comportements et les relations entre ces entités sont donc difficiles à modéliser, ce qui complique la tâche de surveillance en mode d’exploitation traditionnel. Donc le présent travail consiste à concevoir un système de supervision et de surveillance d’un smart grid en tenant compte de toutes les conditions de fonctionnement du système électrique moderne sur l’aspect technique, économique et environnementale en présence des sources d’énergie distribuées avec les dispositifs de stockage de l’énergie électrique.

    Mots clés : réseau intelligent, micro-réseau, surveillance, énergies renouvelables, automates

  • Tuesday 16 sept. 2021, 9h30Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam (post-doc) « Hierarchical Control for Self-adaptive IoT Systems – A Constraint Programming-Based Adaptation Approach » Joint work with RTEAbstract: The self-adaptation control of Internet of Things (IoT) systems ought to tackle uncertainties in the dynamic environment (application level), as well as the dynamic computation infrastructure (architecture level). While the control of those two levels is generally separated, they should coordinate to guarantee functionality and quality. This paper proposes a conceptual model for the separation of concerns in controlling the environment and infrastructure events. The approach is applied on a real case: Melle-Longchamp area’s smart power transmission network (in France). A hierarchical architecture with a control mechanism formalized with constraint programming (CP) is modeled. The control system assesses the reconfigurations that enhance the quality of service (QoS) while considering the internal and external limitations. The CP considers the desired application level control modes and assesses their feasibility by computing the response time and availability using a Netflow algorithm. The outcomes of this research supported design decisions and provided architectural reconfiguration solutions to the French Power Transmission Company (RTE).
  • Tuesday 6 july 2021, 10h30open discussion animated by Sophie Cerf (post-doc) and Quentin Guilloteau (doc) and Eric Rutten « Ctrl-A turns Green: how can the team contribute to sober and frugal IT ? » Abstract:In the general ecological challenge we face, IT plays a special role. On one side it brings new solutions to better understand and reduce human footprint (climate simulations, communication reducing transportation etc.). On the other size, the IT ecosystem has a huge ecological impact that adds on other domains, even accelerating some of them. How can our team contribute in thinking and shaping sustainable IT ? Aside from general work-related considerations (i.e. equipment, travels, etc.), we will focus on the orientations to give to our research activities. Will energy regulation be sufficient to face tomorrow’s challenges ? We will try to have a global and realistic view of the problem. After a short introduction on concepts and open questions, this seminar will be dedicated to discussion and brainstorming.slides available
  • Thursday 27 may 2021participation of the Ctrl-A team to the
    2nd Workshop of the LIG Axes

    • Sophie Cerf « A Combining Machine Learning and Control Theory »
    • Mahyar T. Moghaddam « Survey on Middleware support of self-adaptive systems »
  • Tuesday 4 may 2021, 14hMSc interns : short mid-internships presentationsDavid N. Donkor, Ismail Hawila, Hassan Hijazi, Nicolas Vallet
    • David N. Donkor, working with Bogdan Robu « A model free control approach in utilizing idle computing grid resources without file server overload » Abstract:The recent feedback control approaches adopted in cluster and file server management of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems all utilises the model-based control approach; these model-based control laws inherits the striking flaws including system modelling errors, complex system parameter estimation, high computational costs. The deterministic and time varying nature of our system thus, CIGRI- a lightweight, scalable and fault tolerant grid system which exploits idle computing resources through its interaction with a batch scheduler software has been studied by recent works. The underlining disadvantages of the model-based scheme were highlighted in their results hence the need to take an alternate approach in this study. In this work, we propose the model free control approach with the following features: 1) a ‘virtual model’ representing the unknown system dynamics,2) Elimination of the need of complex system parameter estimation and 3) assurance of less computational costs. This study first explores and adopts model free control using the intelligent PID control law, which assures both robustness and quality reference tracking in respect to time varying system dynamics. Results from both simulations and real time experiments will be covered and presented in later works to explore the intuitive abilities of this approach
    • Ismail Hawila, working with Sophie Cerf & Raphaël Bleuse « A Towards an adaptive control for power regulation in HPC » Abstract:Power in high-performance computing (HPC) systems is becoming an important design issue. By the use of feedback loop, appropriate power cap could be provided for processors at runtime by monitoring application progress. The objective of the work is to develop an adaptive control that is robust to various execution platforms and that will adjust the power in HPC systems while maintaining performance.”
    • Hassan Hijazi, working with Mahyar T. Moghaddam « Linking agent-based simulation with sensor networks for architectural design decisions » Abstract:Agent-based approaches are used to model IoT systems and their interaction with the dynamic surrounding environment. In the smart cities context, the environment includes various agents, e.g., humans, cars, and autonomous vehicles. The impact of those agents’ behavior on the monitoring IoT software system should be analyzed. Considering those interactions in the design and adaptation of IoT systems could guarantee proper function and quality of services. In our research, we plan to model the dynamics of a smart city environment using agent-based simulations to input the software architecture models of our IoT system. After performing a literature review, we use the GAMA simulator for environment modeling and CAPS and CupCarbon IoT modeling and simulating frameworks to perform various adaptation needed in the software system’s architecture.
    • Nicolas Vallet, working with Stéphane Mocanu & Gwenaël Delaval « Sequential Function Chart security properties checking and enforcement » Abstract:The Sequential Function Chart (SFC) language is widely used in the programming of industrial control systems. Such systems have critical security properties, which need to be insured by the control programs. Our approach is to consider tool support for the checking and enforcement of these properties on SFC programs, using the Heptagon/BZR language and compiler.
  • Tuesday 13 apr. 2021, 10hSophie Cerf (post-doc) « Sustaining Performance While Reducing Energy Consumption: A Control Theory Approach » Joint work with ANL (Chicago, IL)Abstract:Production high-performance computing systems continue to grow in complexity and size. As applications struggle to make use of increasingly heterogeneous compute nodes, maintaining high efficiency (performance per watt) for the whole platform becomes a challenge. Alongside the growing complexity of scientific workloads, this extreme heterogeneity is also an opportunity: as applications dynamically undergo variations in workload, due to phases or data/compute movement between devices, one can dynamically adjust power across compute elements to save energy without impacting performance. With an aim toward an autonomous and dynamic power management strategy for current and future HPC architectures, this paper explores the use of control theory for the design of a dynamic power regulation method. Structured as a feedback loop, our approach — which is novel in computing resource management — consists of periodically monitoring application progress and choosing at runtime a suitable power cap for processors. Thanks to a preliminary offline identification process, we derive a model of the dynamics of the system and a proportional-integral (PI) controller. We evaluate our approach on top of an existing resource management framework, the Argo Node Resource Manager, deployed on several clusters of Grid’5000, using a standard HPC benchmark.slides available
  • Tuesday 15 déc. 2020, 10hRaphaël Bleuse « Visualizing the Template of a Chaotic Attractor » Keywords:
    Chaotic attractor · Template · Linking matrix · Combinatorial Optimization · Visualization.


    Chaotic attractors are solutions of deterministic processes, of which
    the topology can be described by templates.
    We consider templates of chaotic attractors bounded by a genus–1 torus
    described by a linking matrix.
    In this presentation, we introduce a novel and unique tool to validate
    a linking matrix, to optimize the compactness of the corresponding
    template, and to draw this template.
    We will first detail the different validation steps of a linking matrix.
    We then present an algorithm to build a minimal sequence of crossings
    from the linking matrix.
    Such a sequence leads to a minimal-height depiction of the template.
    We will then present future optimization opportunities for this problem.

  • Tuesday 8 déc. 2020, 11hSophie Cerf (post-doc) « Complementarities of Deterministic Control and Neural-based Learning: Survey and Research Directions » Abstract:
    While being substantially distinct fields, Machine Learning (ML) and Control Theory (CT) have been combined for decades, mostly through Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning or fuzzy logic. Another well known association consist in using Neural Networks (NN) to foster CT models and control performance. The main topic of this talk will be hold around this latter type of combination, knowing NN and deterministic control as, unlike the others, it still lacks formal conceptualization, motivation, survey and classification. First, the strong points and limitations of each field will be analyzed, which happen to be largely complementary. This further enables us to motivate the many potentials of their combination in all ways. The state of the art review allows to develop a categorization, separating two main approaches: using NN tools in a CT framework or conversely using CT elements in a ML setup. Each approach is then divided based on the composition pattern, each one motivated and supported by the state of the art. Putting in perspective the combination relevance analysis with the existing works enables to conclude with novel promising research directions.
  • monday 30 nov. 2020, 14hMahyar Tourchi Moghaddam (post-doc, CPS4EU project) « Self-adaptive Middleware Support for IoT and CPS – A Systematic Literature Review » Abstract:
    This presentation reviews the works on self-adaptation mechanisms for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). We mainly present the role of middleware platforms to facilitate such self-adaptation. Following a systematic literature review (SLR), we selected 62 papers (primary studies) among 4,274 candidate studies. To this end, we applied the classification and extraction framework to select and analyze the most influential domain-related information. In addition to the academic database, we took advantage of three use-cases provided by our industrial partners within the CPS4EU project. In this way, we analyzed the use-cases based on the SLR outcomes to propose solutions to improve their IoT/CPS.
    Our analysis revealed the following main findings: i) the adaptation requirement may arise due to changes in system, environment, and their coordination. While the primary studies mostly focus on the environment-related adaptation handled by autonomic control, the system architectural adaptation managed by autonomic control is newly getting more attention; ii) Most of the primary studies used reactive model-based self-adaptation methods, while the community is recently more oriented to data-driven proactive adaptation approaches; iii) The potential industrial adoption of middleware platforms depends on industrial use-cases’ adaptation and functional requirements, as well as middleware platforms’ design approaches. This study gives a foundation to classify the existing and future approaches on self-adaptive middleware support for IoT/CPS by categorizing the set of objectives, methods, techniques, and tools capable of enhancing IoT/CPS qualities.
  • monday 23 nov. 2020, 10h30 : rehearsalwednesday 25 nov. 14h : defenceNeil Ayeb (PhD, Cifre, Orange) « Administration autonomique et décentralisée de flottes d’équipements de l’Internet des Objets » Abstract:
    Résumé de la thèse en français :

    Avec l’avènement de l’internet des objets (IdO) qui se base sur des objets hétérogènes, dynamiques et de haute volumétries, des besoins en administration à distance. Il s’agit par exemple de mise à jour de logiciels, de configurations, de résolution de problèmes à distance ainsi que de récolte de données de fonctionnement. Ces opérations d’administration permettent d’assurer une bonne qualité de service et d’expérience pour les utilisateurs. Elles permettent en outre, le déploiement de nouvelles fonctionnalités, de correctifs logiciels, et de mise à jour de sécurité.
    Les plateformes industrielles existantes d’administration montrent leurs limites avec des parcs formés d’objets statiques, en termes de capacités et d’environnements, comme les passerelles internet domestiques et décodeurs de flux TV. Ces plateformes sont opérées manuellement par des équipes d’administrateurs systèmes et requièrent une expertise conséquente. Concernant les flottes de l’IdO, l’hétérogénéité se traduit en un ensemble d’équipements ayant des capacités différentes de calcul et de connectivité réseau. La dynamicité concerne les environnements de ces équipements qui varient en termes de services en cours d’exécution, de qualité du lien réseau, de capacité restante de calcul. La volumétrie des objets de d’IdO impose un besoin de passage à l’échelle afin de gérer des milliards d’équipements contrairement aux flottes composée de millions d’équipements aujourd’hui.

    Par suite, l’administration de flottes de l’IdO requiert une adaptation constante de ces opérations en termes de nature, de vitesse et de cible. Les approches manuelles existantes ne permettent pas de réaliser ces opérations en prenant en compte les spécificités de l’IdO. Afin d’adresser cette problématique, ce travail de thèse industrielle chez Orange, vise à appliquer le paradigme de l’informatique autonomique au pilotage et la distribution des plateformes d’administration. L’objectif est d’assurer que les besoins en administration des flottes de l’IdO soient automatiquement réalisés, et ce, avec une consommation optimale de ressources de calcul et de réseau, ainsi qu’avec un nombre le moins élevé possible, d’erreurs d’exécution.

    Notre proposition s’appuie sur quatre boucles autonomiques coordonnées. Deux d’entre elles sont responsables de l’automatisation du maintien à jour de la flotte d’équipements tandis que les deux autres sont chargées de la régulation de l’utilisation des ressources assurant ainsi un passage à l’échelle vertical et horizontal. Notre proposition est validée au travers de deux prototypes. Le premier sert de démonstrateur de l’utilisabilité de notre approche pour le pilotage d’une plateforme industrielle d’administration de l’IdO (Live Objects d’Orange) qui est utilisée en production. Le deuxième démontre les capacités de passage à l’échelle et de tolérance aux fautes de notre proposition. Il s’appuie sur des technologies à code source ouverts. Les résultats sont encourageants par rapport aux approches existantes (p. ex. Vitesse d’exécution multipliée par deux sans augmentation du taux d’équipements en dysfonctionnement).

    Résumé de la thèse en anglais:

    With the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) that relies on heterogeneous; dynamic; and massively deployed devices; Device Management (DM), which consists of firmware update, configuration, troubleshooting and tracking, is required for proper quality of service and user experience, deployment of new functions, bug fixes and distribution of security patches.
    Existing Home and IoT industrial DM platforms are already showing their limits with a few static home and IoT devices (e.g., routers, TV Decoders). Currently, these platforms are mainly manually operated by experts such as system administrators, and require extensive knowledge and skills. Heterogeneity implies that devices have diverse compute and network capabilities. Dynamicity translates to variation of devices environments (e.g., network quality, running services, nearby devices). The massive aspect is reflected in fleets composed of billions of devices as opposed to millions currently.
    Therefore, IoT device administration requires launching administration operations that assure the well-functioning of device fleets. These operations are to be adapted in terms of nature, speed, target, accordingly to devices current service requirements, computing capabilities and network conditions. Existing manually operated approaches cannot be applied on these massive and diverse devices forming the IoT.
    To tackle these issues, our work in an industrial research context, at Orange Labs, proposes applying autonomic computing to platform operation and distribution. It aims to ensure that administration requirements of a device fleet are automatically fulfilled using the optimal amount of resources and with the least amount of execution errors.
    Specifically, our contribution relies on four coordinated autonomic loops. The first two loops are responsible for handling fleet variation and update operations dispatching, while the remaining two others focus on vertical and horizontal scalability. Our approach allows automatic administration platform operation, more accurate and faster error diagnosis, vertical and horizontal scaling along with simpler IoT DM platform administration.
    For experimental validation, we developed two prototypes: one that demonstrates the usability of our approach with Orange’s industrial IoT platform for its piloting, while the other one demonstrates vertical scalability using extended open-source remote administration software. Our prototypes show encouraging results, such as two times faster firmware upgrade operation execution speed, compared to existing legacy telecommunication operator approaches.

  • thursday 2 july 2020, 13h30
    virtual meeting

    Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam (post-doc, CPS4EU project)

    « IAS: an IoT Architectural Self-adaptation Framework »

    This work develops a generic approach to model control loops and their interac- tion within the Internet of Things (IoT) environments. We take advantage of MAPE-K loops to enable architectural self-adaptation. The system’s architectural setting is aligned with the adaptation goals and with the components run-time situation and constraints. We introduce an integrated framework for IoT Architectural Self-adaptation (IAS) were functional control elements are in charge of environmental adaptation and autonomic control elements handle the functional system’s architectural adaptation. A Queuing Networks (QN) approach was used for modeling the IAS. The IAS-QN can model control levels and their interaction to per- form both architectural and environmental adaptations. The IAS-QN was modeled on a smart grid system for the Melle-Longchamp area (France). Our architectural adaptation approach successfully set the propositions to enhance the performance of the electricity transmission system. This research is a part of CPS4EU European industrial innovation project.

  • tuesday 23 june 2020, 10h00
    virtual meeting

    M2R / MSc internships

    Quentin Guilloteau

    « Minimizing Cluster Under-use using a Control-Based Approach »

    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have become increasingly more complex in the last decade. Their behaviour concerning their per- formance and power consumption make them less predictable. This unpre- dictability requires more and more runtime management. We believe that the field of Control Theory can bring a new approch to the administration of such complex systems. This project integrates an autonomic approach to the CiGri middleware, a grid application to manage large sets of multi-parametric tasks.
    This work presents two distinct contributions. In a first time, we present a solution to minimize cluster under-utilization while controlling the load of the fileserver. We then investigate the case of reproducibility for our studied distributed system.

    Manal BENAISSA

    « Relationships between Scheduling and Autonomic Computing Techniques Applied to Parallel Computing Resource Management »

    The scheduling field regroups various methods by which work is distributed across available computational resources. Considering the complexity of modern infrastructures, particularly in Cloud and HPC computing, schedulers might face difficulties to propose an efficient scheduling while fitting to the system reality and it implied uncertainties. The autonomic computing field suggests a more practical approach, by controlling constantly a system and adjusting taken decisions at runtime, via feedback loops. Applying this strategy in the scheduling context bring a less complex model with a more modular structure. Likewise, scheduling community may bring a new vision of autonomic computing challenges. This work presents some possible models, from the most basic scheduling algorithm, to the most complex Cloud infrastructures.

  • thursday 4 june 2020, 13h30
    virtual meeting

    Gwenaël Delaval (UGA)

    « Discrete Control of Response for Cybersecurity in Industrial Control »


    Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) is a crucial problem, as recent history has shown. A notable characteristic of ICS, compared to Information Technology, is the necessity to take into account the physical process, and its specific dynamics and effects on the environment, when considering cybersecurity issues. Intrusion Detection Systems have been studied extensively. In our work, we address the less classic topic of response mechanisms, and their automation in a self-protection feedback loop. More precisely, we address self-protection seen as resilience, where the functionality of the system is maintained under attacks, be it in a degraded mode. We model this as a Discrete Event Systems supervisory control problem, involving a model of the plant’s possible behaviors, a model of considered attacks, and a formulation of the control objectives. We consider a case study, and perform a prototype implementation and simulation, using the Heptagon/BZR programming language and compiler/code generator, and targeting a multi-PLC experimental platform.

  • thursday 7 may 2020, 13h30
    virtual meeting

    the Ctrl-A team

    « one-minute madness presentations (ii) »

    Second session of the one-minute madness presentations of each of the research topics in the team, by non-permanents as well as permanents. More precisely : each of us presents two slides max on her/his current ongoing topic (no results yet 😉 ) and I can make an overall presentation of the team to show how everything is related.

    For this second session :

    • Manal Benaissa : “Relationships between Scheduling Techniques in Parallel Computing and Feedback loops in Autonomic Computing” slides
    • Raphaël Bleuse : ” Towards context-awareness for HPC resources management: models, software architectures, …” slides
    • Sophie Cerf : “Combining Control Theory and Machine Learning in all ways: state of the art review and perspectives of application on Software-Defined Network” slides
    • Stéphane Mocanu : “Cybersecurity of Industrial Control systems (SCADA)” slides
    • Mahyar T. Moghaddam : “Self-adaptive middleware support for IoT/CPS” slides
    • Lucie Muller : “Discrete controller synthesis: how can we know if it is useful ? (ii) ” slides (same as Gwenaël’s the week before)
    • Eric Rutten : “Ctrl-A in 180 seconds” (again) slides (same as the week before)
  • thursday 30 april 2020, 13h30
    virtual meeting

    the Ctrl-A team

    « one-minute madness presentations »

    the first session of the one-minute madness presentation of each of the research topics in the team, by non-permanents as well as permanents. More precisely : each of us presents two slides max on her/his current ongoing topic (no results yet 😉 ) and I can make a 2-slides overall presentation of the team to show how everything is related.

    For this first session :

    • Neil Ayeb : “Autonomic IoT Device Management” slides
    • Sophie Cerf : “Control of RAPL: Energy-efficient HPC through processor-level power capping” slides
    • Gwenaël Delaval : “Discrete controller synthesis: how can we know if it is useful ?” slides
    • Quentin Guilloteau : “Minimizing Cluster Under-Use with a Control-Based Approach” slides
    • Bashir Ibrahim : “Control-theory based Cluster Resources Optimization” slides
    • Eric Rutten : “Ctrl-A in 180 seconds” slides
  • thursday 9 april 2020, 10h00
    virtual meeting

    Sophie Cerf (post-doc, Inria)

    « Why using Control theory approach for Computing systems. Example of resources allocation on the cloud »


    This talk is not a mathematical introduction to the control theory but rather an overview of its hypothesis, objectives, tools and limitations from a computer scientist point of view.
    After motivating why you should include the control perspective in your researches, we’ll quickly review what is control theory, from its first applications during the industrial revolution, to the new advances that make our state of the art technologies.
    In a few words, control theory deals with dynamical systems evolving through time, and aims at control them to bring them to a desired state, with given properties such as precision, rapidity and robustness. A control scientist is backed up by a strong theoretical framework with tools such as feedback loops, controllers, models, observers and frequency analysis.
    A running example of a cloud’s resources allocation controller will be used to illustrate the introduced notions.

  • thursday 2 april 2020, 10h00
    virtual meeting

    the previous lives of our new team members : short talks from M2Rs about their M1

    • Manal Benaissa (Inria, UGA M2R MOSIG intern) « Development of tracing tools and trace analysis for OpenMP » Abstract:
      Simulation in research domains requires more and more complex and time-consuming algorithms. Many of these problems can be easily parallelized through all CPU to reduce execution time. OpenMP is a programming model specialized in shared-memory parallelism. One of its characteristics is the possibility to support tasks paradigm. In 2018, OpenMP released its 5th version, with an interesting API to implement a customized tracing tool: OMPT. The subject of this internship was to test the limit of this new feature in tasks context, by implementing suited tracing tool. Tests included results conversion in readable format and trace analysis.
    • Quentin Guilloteau (Inria, Ensimag M2R MOSIG intern) « Adaptive Parallel Mergesort in Rust » Abstract:
      Sorting is one of the most fundamental operations in computer science. However, most of the sorting algorithms are sequential and do not use the multi-core processors of the modern machines. The mergesort is a classic example of “divide and conquer” algorithm and is embarrassingly parallel. Parallel algorithms should not depend on the architecture of the machines they run on. That is why techniques, such as adaptive algorithms, have been developed to make abstraction of the architecture of the machines. Adaptive algorithms are algorithms that can change their behavior based on various parameters: size of the input, number of threads in the system … This work consists of the first steps of implementing an adaptive mergesort algorithm in Rust. We implemented an adaptive version of the “classical” mergesort that only divides the work in two parts, and optimized it from the results of our experiments. We then compared its performance to the sorting algorithms of standard parallel libraries. We finally investigated the potential gain in performance by splitting the work in 3 parts instead of 2.
  • thursday 26 march 2020, 10h00
    virtual meeting

    Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam (Inria, H2020 CPS4EU)

    « IoT-based Crowd Monitoring and Emergency Handling »

    Cultural Heritage is a key element in fostering the socio-cultural transformation of citizens. Whilst the attractiveness of venues (such as museums) has positive impacts in cultural and economic areas, their management remains problematic. Crowd density is one of the most influential factors that negatively affects visitors’ experience. Such issue can be solved by designing human-focused Internet of Thing (IoT) systems for crowd management.

    This talk deals with two aspects of crowd management in hyper-congested museums:

    1. Analyzing human behavior in ticket booking, queuing and visiting the museum in order to design high-quality software/hardware architectures for sustainable queue management.

    2. Monitoring visitors’ movement to design IoT-based emergency handling systems which provide real-time evacuation instructions.

    Both systems take advantage of optimization algorithms as the core of their software architectures in order to both remove the long queues and (if needed) evacuate the occupants as quickly as possible.

    The main topics to be discussed are: IoT software architectures, optimization algorithms and social agent-based modeling.

  • thursday 19 march 2020, 14h00postponed, and replaced by a virtual meeting about reorganizations due to the confinement.Green-Er (ENSE3), room 3D002Stéphane Mocanu (Ctrl-A, LIG/Inria) « Cybersecurity of industrial systems. Open problems and some ideas. » Abstract:Research in cybersecurity of SCADA systems is a relatively recent field developed mainly into the last decade. Despite the manufacturers progress in hardening the security of device SCADA systems are still prone to severe vulnerabilities and specialized countermeasures are still incipient. This talk aims to present the open problems seen from the boundary between computer science and control systems I.e. the architectural view of system (IT/OT/process). We’ll focus mainly on system modelling and vulnerability search and intrusion detection.
  • monday 16 september 2019, 13h30Minatec, room 202Raphaël Bleuse (Ctrl-A, LIG/Inria) « Handling Data-Movements by Anticipation: Geometry to the Rescue! » Abstract:The large scale parallel and distributed platforms produce a
    continuously increasing amount of data which have to be stored,
    exchanged and used by various jobs allocated on different nodes of the
    platform. The management of this huge communication demand is crucial
    for the performance of the system. Meanwhile, we have to deal with more
    interferences as the trend is to use a single all-purpose
    interconnection network.
    We consider two different types of communications: the flows induced by
    data exchanges during computations and the flows related to Input/Output
    operations. We propose a general model for interference-aware
    scheduling, where explicit communications are replaced by external
    topological constraints. Specifically, we limit the interferences of
    both communication types by adding geometric constraints on the
    allocation of jobs into machines. The proposed constraints reduce
    implicitly the data movements by restricting the set of possible
    allocations for each job. We present this methodology on the case study
    of simple network topologies, namely the line and the ring. We propose
    theoretical lower and upper bounds under different assumptions with
    respect to the platform and jobs characteristics. The obtained results
    illustrate well the difficulty of the problem even on simple topologies.
  • from 9 to 13 sept. 2019Imag building amphitheater « 40th International Summer School of Automatic Control Grenoble :

    Self-managing or autonomic computing systems are answering to the need to address dynamic variations in the computing, memory or communication loads, as well as in their environment, the evolutions in their computing infrastructure (shared or subject to faults) or (re)adaptations of their initial functionalities. Their administration, usually performed by human administrators, needs to be automated in order to be efficient, safe and highly reactive. The Autonomic Computing paradigm using self-manageable closed loops emerged in the early 2000, targeting distributed system and addressing these questions from a computer science point of view. A particularly insightful way of building such control loops is to use control systems theory, which employs a large spectrum of modelling, estimation and control techniques (continuous, discrete, stochastic), classically applied mostly to electro-mechanical, physical systems, but much less usually to computing systems. .

    The aim of this Summer School is to offer the opportunity of a scientific forum from control systems, informatics, distributed systems, around the various challenges and methodologies dedicated to the control of computing systems. To this end, domain experts will be present to share their expertise and cutting-edge research results.

  • Monday 2 sept. 2019, 15h30,Minatec, salle 202M2R rehearsalAyan Hore (M2R MOSIG) ; advisors : S. Mocanu, E. Rutten « Analysis and identification of reaction mechanisms for self-protection in cybersecurity of SCADA systems »
  • Thursday 27 june 2019, 10hGipsa-lab rom B208M2R rehearsalAbdul-Hafeez ALI (M2R MISCIT) ; advisors : O. Richard (LIG/Inria Datamove), B. Robu (Gipsa-lab), E. Rutten« Controlling Computer Cluster Overload, Intelligent Control With Non Supervised Learning »
  • Friday 3 may 2019, 10h30IMAG building, Campus, room 248M2R mid-internship seminar
    • Ayan Hore (M2R MOSIG) ; advisors : S. Mocanu, E. Rutten
      « Using feedback loop to automate security response in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) »
    • Abdul-Hafeez ALI (M2R MISCIT) ; advisors : O. Richard (LIG/Inria Datamove), B. Robu (Gipsa-lab), E. Rutten
      « Controlling Computer Cluster Overload, Intelligent Control With Non Supervised Learning »
    • Mohsen Zargarani (M2R MISCIT) ; advisor : S. Mocanu
      « Hardware in the loop, Simulation of physical processes »
  • Friday 12 april 2019, 10h30IMAG building, Campus, room 358Neil Ayeb (Cifre PhD, Orange Labs + Ctrl-A) « Towards an autonomic and distributed device management for the Internet of Things » Abstract:Device Management (DM) is currently industrially deployed for LAN devices, phones and workstation management. Internet of Things (IoT) devices are massive, dynamic, heterogeneous, and inter-operable. Existing solutions are not suitable for IoT management. This doctoral research in an industrial environment addresses these limitations with a novel autonomic and distributed approach for the DM.
  • Mercredi 16 janvier 2019, 13h30amphithéâtre Bergès,GreEn-ER, 21 avenue des Martyrs, campus PolygoneStéphane Mocanu « Cyberdéfense des infrastructures critiques » Soutenance d’HDRTrès peu étudiée avant la découverte du ver informatique
    Stuxnet en 2010, la cybersécurité des systèmes industriels connait une
    activité de recherche intense dans les dernières années. Situés à la
    frontière entre l’informatique et l’automatique, les travaux présentés
    synthétisent mes activités de recherche dans le domaine de la détection
    des intrusions. Les perspectives de recherche concernent la modélisation
    en vue de la détection des intrusions mais aussi la recherche des
    vulnérabilités par rétroingénierie ainsi que la réaction en cas
    d’attaque par des approches autonomiques.
  • Lundi 12 novembre 2018, 11h,Salle Chartreuse, GIPSA-labOualid KOUCHAM (GIPSA-lab) « Détection d’intrusions pour les systèmes de contrôle industriels » Soutenance de KOUCHAM Oualid pour une thèse de DOCTORAT de l’université de Grenoble, spécialité Automatique-ProductiqueIntitulé de la thèse: ‘Détection d’intrusions pour les systèmes de contrôle industriels’
    Ecole Doctorale : Ecole Doctorale d’Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique, Traitement du Signal (EEATS)

    Lieu de soutenance de la thèse: Salle Chartreuse, GIPSA-lab – Domaine universitaire – 11 Rue des Mathématiques – 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères

    Thèse dirigée par :
    – THIRIET Jean-Marc, GIPSA-lab directeur de thèse,
    – MOCANU Stéphane, LIG
    – HIET Guillaume, CentraleSupélec


    L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est le développement de techniques de
    détection d’intrusions et de corrélation d’alertes spécifiques aux
    systèmes de contrôle industriels (ICS). Cet intérêt est justifié par
    l’émergence de menaces informatiques visant les ICS, et la nécessité de
    détecter des attaques ciblées dont le but est de violer les
    spécifications sur le comportement correct du processus physique. Dans
    la première partie de nos travaux, nous nous sommes intéressés à
    l’inférence automatique de spécifications pour l’aspect séquentiel des
    ICS, et ce, à des fins de détection d’intrusions. Dans notre approche,
    nous avons adopté le formalisme de la logique temporelle linéaire (LTL)
    et métrique (MTL) permettant de représenter des propriétés temporelles
    d’ordre qualitatif et quantitatif sur l’état des actionneurs et des
    capteurs. Un algorithme d’inférence de propriétés a été développé afin
    d’automatiser la génération des propriétés à partir de motifs de
    spécifications couvrant les contraintes les plus communes. Cette
    approche vise à pallier le nombre conséquent de propriétés redondantes
    inférées par les approches actuelles. Dans la deuxième partie de nos
    travaux, nous cherchons à combiner l’approche de détection d’intrusions
    développée dans le premier axe avec des approches de détection
    d’intrusions classiques. Pour ce faire, nous explorons une approche de
    corrélation tenant compte des spécificités des systèmes industriels en
    deux points : (i) l’enrichissement et le prétraitement d’alertes
    hétérogènes venant de domaines différents (cyber et physique), et (ii)
    la mise au point d’une politique de sélection d’alertes tenant compte du
    contexte d’exécution du processus physique. Les résultats de
    l’évaluation de nos approches de détection et de corrélation montrent
    des performances améliorées sur la base de métriques telles que le taux
    de réduction des alertes et la complétude des corrélations.

    The objective of this thesis is to develop intrusion detection and alert
    correlation techniques geared towards industrial control systems (ICS).
    Our interest is driven by the recent surge in cybersecurity incidents
    targeting ICS, and the necessity to detect targeted attacks which induce
    incorrect behavior at the level of the physical process. In the first
    part of this work, we develop an approach to automatically infer
    specifications over the sequential behavior of ICS. In particular, we
    rely on specification language formalisms such as linear temporal logic
    (LTL) and metric temporal logic (MTL) to express temporal properties
    over the state of the actuators and sensors. We develop an algorithm to
    automatically infer specifications from a set of specification patterns
    covering the most recurring properties. Our aim is to reduce the number
    of redundant and unfalsifiable properties generated by the existing
    approaches. In the second part of this work, we attempt to combine the
    physical domain intrusion detection approach developed in the first part
    with more classical cyber domain intrusion detection solutions. In
    particular, we develop an alert correlation approach which takes into
    account some specificities of ICS through: (i) the enrichment and
    pre-treatment of heterogeneous alerts coming from different domains
    (physical and cyber), and (ii) the specification of an alert policy
    taking into account the execution context of the physical process. Our
    evaluation results show that our approaches achieve improved results
    with respect to classical detection and correlation metrics.


    Jean Marc THIRIET – Directeur de these, Université Grenoble Alpes
    Isabelle CHRISMENT – Rapporteur, Université de Lorraine
    Michel COMBACAU – Rapporteur, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
    Isabel DEMONGODIN – Examinateur, Université d’Aix-Marseille
    Gregory BLANC – Examinateur, Institut Mines-Télécom
    Guillaume HIET – Examinateur, CentraleSupélec
    Stéphane MOCANU – Examinateur, Grenoble INP
    Frédéric MAJORCZYK – Examinateur, DGA

  • Lundi 9 juillet 2018, 11h,bâtiment Imag, salle 348Gwenaël Delaval « Middleware Deployment in IoT and FPGA-based Embedded Systems with Modular and Logico-numerical Control » Abstract:
    Computing systems need to be more and more self-adaptive, in order to better manage their constrained resources, and to better take into account evolutions in their environment and in their computing architecture. This applies to different application domains of computing : typically one the one side, embedded systems, where resources are constrained, can benefit from Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures , which supports Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) of the running fonctions, enabling improved performance and power consumption. The reconfigurations need to be decided and controlled in a closed loop. On another side, in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Homes and Buildings, the management software runs on a distributed heterogeneous system, and has to be self-adaptive at applications level as well as deployment level.

    Enforcing a well-mastered and safe behaviour of the overall system, in presence of these concurrent adaptations, is a complex control problem. We approach this problem by applying techniques from the area of Supervisory Control for Discrete Event Systems (DES), where the space of configurations at the different levels (applications, tasks, execution platform) are modeled with automata. We use programming language support tools, Heptagon/BZR and ReaX, to build up a design environment for the considered application domain. We exploit especially modular and hierarchical control structures, in order to cope with the size of systems, and also logico-numerical control, in order to obtain controllers that can safely react not only to events but also to quantitative inputs.

    This work contributes with (i) generic modeling of the behaviors and objectives for the considered systems; (ii) applications of Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS) to design controllers, ; (iii) implemented case studies.

  • Jeudi 14 Juin 2018, 14h,bâtiment Imag, salle 206Agustín Yabo (Master 2, Datamove + Ctrl-A + Gipsa-lab) « Towards a control-theory approach for minimizing unused grid resources » Abstract:
    HPC systems are facing more and more variability in their behavior, related to e.g., performance and power consumption, and the fact that they are less predictable requires more runtime management. This can be done in an Autonomic Management feedback loop, in response to monitored information in the systems, by analysis of this data and utilization of the results in order to activate appropriate system-level or application-level feedback mechanisms (e.g., informing schedulers, down-clocking CPUs).

    Such problem is found in the context of CiGri, a simple, lightweight, scalable and fault tolerant grid system which exploits the unused resources of a set of computing clusters. Computing power left over by the execution of a main HPC application scheduling is used to execute smaller jobs, which are injected as much as the global system allows.

    The seminar will presents results addressing the problem of automated resource management in an HPC infrastructure, using techniques from Control Theory to design a controller that maximizes cluster utilization while considering cluster and fileserver overloading. We draw from a previous work where a proportional-integral feedback (Proportional Integral, PI) control loop was implemented, through a maximum number of jobs to be sent to the cluster, in response to system information about the current number of jobs processed. Then, we proposed a dynamical model for the system queue, cluster and fileserver load with time-varying parameters, an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) for performing online parameter estimation and an MPC (Model-Predictive Control) approach for regulating the desired values of the infrastracture to the desired ones.

  • mardi 16 mars 2018, 11h,room 203, Minatec Batiment50C, first floor (INRIA / CEA building)Stéphane Mocanu
    (Inria Ctrl-A)

    « Cybersecurity of SCADA and autonomic systems »

    This talk will present the general setup of intrusion detection, protection and resilience of SCADA systems with en emphasis on process oriented intrusion detection and resilience.
    The aim is to point out the possible links with self-protecting and self-reconfiguring systems as a reaction and resilience solution in case of attacks.

  • lundi 18 décembre 2017, 14h,salle « Chrome 1 – B212 », Minatec Campus, 3 Parvis Louis Néel, 38054 GRENOBLEAdja Ndeye SYLLA
    (thèse co-encadré entre CEA et Ctrl-A)

    « Support intergiciel pour la conception et le déploiement adaptatifs fiables, application aux bâtiments intelligents »


    Dans le contexte de l’informatique pervasive et de l’internet des objets, les systèmes sont hétérogènes, distribués et adaptatifs (p. ex., systèmes de gestion des transports, bâtiments intelligents). La conception et le déploiement de ces systèmes sont rendus difficiles par leur nature hétérogène et distribuée mais aussi le risque de décisions d’adaptation conflictuelles et d’inconsistances à l’exécution. Les inconsistances sont causées par des pannes matérielles ou des erreurs de communication. Elles surviennent lorsque des actions correspondant aux décisions d’adaptation sont supposées être effectuées alors qu’elles ne le sont pas.

    Cette thèse propose un support intergiciel, appelé SICODAF, pour la conception et le déploiement de systèmes adaptatifs fiables. SICODAF combine une fiabilité comportementale (absence de décisions conflictuelles) au moyen de systèmes de transitions et une fiabilité d’exécution (absence d’inconsistances) à l’aide d’un intergiciel transactionnel. SICODAF est basé sur le calcul autonomique. Il permet de concevoir et de déployer un système adaptatif sous la forme d’une boucle autonomique qui est constituée d’une couche d’abstraction, d’un mécanisme d’exécution transactionnelle et d’un contrôleur. SICODAF supporte trois types de contrôleurs (basés sur des règles, sur la théorie du contrôle continu ou discret). Il permet également la reconfiguration d’une boucle, afin de gérer les changements d’objectifs qui surviennent dans le système considéré, et l’intégration d’un système de détection de pannes matérielles. Enfin, SICODAF permet la conception de boucles multiples pour des systèmes qui sont constitués de nombreuses entités ou qui requièrent des contrôleurs de types différents. Ces boucles peuvent être combinées en parallèle, coordonnées ou hiérarchiques.

    SICODAF a été mis en œuvre à l’aide de l’intergiciel transactionnel LINC, de l’environnement d’abstraction PUTUTU et du langage Heptagon/BZR qui est basé sur des systèmes de transitions. SICODAF a été également évalué à l’aide de deux études de cas.

  • 23 october 2017, 10h,Imag, salle de séminaires 2second day of the4th Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control
  • 17 october 2017, 11h,Gipsa-lab, salle Mont-Blancfirst day of the4th Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control
  • 26 septembre 2017, 10h,salle de séminaire (en face de l’amphi), batiment ImagOualid Koucham
    (doctorant Gipsa-lab, co-encadré par Jean-Marc Thiriet et Stéphane Mocanu)

    « Détection d’intrusions et corrélation d’alertes dans les systèmes de contrôle séquentiels »

    Du fait des menaces de cybersécurité auxquelles font face les systèmes de contrôle industriels (ICS), ainsi que de l’insuffisance des mécanismes de protection, le développement d’approches de détection d’intrusions adaptées devient crucial. En particulier, le processus physique constitue une cible privilégiée pour les attaquants. Cependant, les approches actuelles de détection d’intrusions ne permettent pas une contextualisation des alertes par rapport à l’état du processus physique. Par conséquent, les opérateurs de sécurité peinent à distinguer entre attaques et faux positifs dus à des interventions manuelles légitimes. Nos travaux cherchent à répondre à ce besoin en développant des approches de détection d’intrusions et de corrélation d’alertes tenant compte des aspects cyber et physique des ICS, notamment dans le cadre peu exploré des attaques visant les systèmes de contrôle séquentiels.

  • 4 july 2017, 10h,salle 203, Inria Minatec (50C 1er étage)Emmanuel Stahl
    (stagiaire ENSE3 co-encadré entre Gipsa-lab, Datamove et Ctrl-A)

    « Techniques de contrôle pour la gestion autonomique des plateformes de calcul »

    Cet exposé présente un travail sur les techniques de contrôle pour la gestion autonomique des plateformes de calculs. On considère en particulier le mésocentre de calcul intensif de l’Université Grenoble-Alpes : le mésocentre “Ciment”. L’objectif consiste à mettre en œuvre une régulation afin de maximiser l’utilisation des ressources sans entraîner de surcharge. Après analyse du fonctionnement du système, différents tests en boucle ouverte afin d’observer son comportement. Ceci permet d’identifier un modèle, qui est utilisé dans la mise en place d’une correction Proportionnelle – Intégrale. Des tests expérimentaux sont effectués pour valider cette régulation.

  • 19 june 2017, 14h,salle de séminaire (en face de l’amphi), batiment ImagLénaïc Terrier
    (stagiaire M2R co-encadré entre Ctrl-A et IIHM au LIG)

    « A Language for the Smart Home »

    This work aims to propose a end user development language which allows inhabitants of a smart home to express the behaviours they want to their home automation system. This language should bring together the best features of existing ECA-based solutions and missing properties that are asked by current users or highlighted by research works.

  • mardi 15 nov 2016, 14h,room 206, Minatec Batiment50C, first floor (INRIA / CEA building)Soguy Gueye
    (Inria Ctrl-A)

    « Application-aware control for dynamically reconfigurable architectures »

    Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) available in modern FPGA allows an FPGA device to support more hardware available than physically possible. It enables dynamic reconfiguration of part of an FPGA at run-time without having to reconfigure the entire device. The unmodified regions can continue executing their computation tasks without any interruption during partial reconfiguration.

    DPR is a promising solution for embedded systems that require high performance and high flexibility while achieving energy efficiency and minimal footprints. This is typically the case of small autonomous UAVs. These systems mostly require to be self-adaptive to address uncertainties related to the environment. Self-adaptation can require to replace the computation tasks at runtime according to observations. Hence, there is need for a decision making component that manages at runtime the tasks to execute and the hardware reconfiguration.

    In this presentation we will describe ongoing work on our approach for designing a control architecture for the management of the reconfiguration of the hardware architecture at run-time.

  • mercredi 19 Octobre 2016, 10h00campus : amphi F018, UFR IM²AG)Naweiluo ZHOU
    (Ctrl-A & Corse)

    « Autonomic Thread Parallelism and Mapping Control for Software Transactional Memory »

    Parallel programs need to manage the trade-off between the time spent in synchronisation and computation. The trade-off is significantly affected by the number of active threads. High parallelism may decrease computing time while increase synchronisation cost. Furthermore, thread placement on different cores may impact on program performance, as the data access time can vary from one core to another due to intricacies of its underlying memory architecture. Therefore, the performance of a program can be improved by adjusting its parallelism degree and the mapping of its threads to physical cores. Alas, there is no universal rule to decide them for a program from an offline view, especially for a program with online behaviour variation. Moreover, offline tuning is less precise. This thesis presents work on dynamical management of parallelism and thread placement. It addresses multithread issues via Software Transactional Memory (STM). STM has emerged as a promising technique, which bypasses locks, to tackle synchronisation through transactions. Autonomic computing offers designers a framework of methods and techniques to build autonomic systems with well-mastered behaviours. Its key idea is to implement feedback control loops to design safe, efficient and predictable controllers, which enable monitoring and adjusting controlled systems dynamically while keeping overhead low. This dissertation proposes feedback control loops to automate management of threads at runtime and diminish program execution time.

    Jury :

    M.Raymond Namyst: Professeur, Université de Bordeaux, Rapporteur
    M.Lionel Seinturier: Professeur, Université Lille 1, Rapporteur
    M.Christian Perez: Directeur de recherche, INRIA Lyon , Examinateur
    M.Jean-François Méhaut: Professeur, Université de Grenoble Alpes, Directeur de thèse
    M.Éric Rutten: Chargé de recherche, INRIA Grenoble , Directeur de thèse
    M.Gwenaël Delaval: Associate professeur, Université de Grenoble Alpes, Directeur de thèse

  • jeudi 1 septembre 2016, 14h,LIG, bâtiment Imag, Campus, room 248Armando Ochoa
    (M2R, Ctrl-A & Adele)

    « Smart home applications control and reactive programming
    A service-oriented approach »

    Abstract :

    Avec un nombre sans cesse croissant de moyens de communications divers, le besoin d’adaptabilité en informatique ubiquitaire se fait d’autant plus sentir. Pour des applications autonomes, les architectures de contrôle deviennent alors elle-même très complexes, requérant également des adaptations

    Les applications autonomes sont souvent composées de plusieurs boucles de contrôle – chacune adressant un besoin spécifique – dont l’exécution nécessite d’être coordonnée pour une administration efficace et correcte. Nous proposons donc d’étudier l’usage de modèles de contrôle réactifs avec des événements et états pour coordonner des boucles autonomiques dans des architectures orientées services.

    Dans cet ouvrage, nous illustrons notre approche en intégrant un contrôleur basé sur la synthèse de contrôleurs discrets dans un environnement ubiquitaire autonome. Le rôle du contrôleur est d’influencer les critères de liaison des services de multiples boucles de contrôle, tout en respectant des contraintes logiques. Nous considérons particulièrement les opérations de reconfiguration d’ensembles des services connus et dynamiques.

    Nos résultats suggèrent que, même si le temps de synthèse et la taille finale du contrôleur augmentent rapidement avec le nombre des états et entrées, les systèmes réactifs sont une approche appropriée de coordination pour les applications orientées services.

  • jeudi 12 mai 2016, 14h,Inria, Montbonnot, G108Stéphane Mocanu

    « Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems »

    Abstract :

    We present some ongoing research on the cybersecurity of SCADA systems. We present the specificity and challenges of the Industrial Systems cybersecurity then we focus on Intrusion Detection Systems problem and present our approach. In the last part we’ll try to point out the links between detection and reaction in SCADA systems and autonomic systems and supervisory control.

  • jeudi 7 avril 2016, 14h,Inria, Montbonnot, G108Adja Ndeye SYLLA

    « Combining Reactive Coordination Rules and Automata Languages for Safe Smart Environments »

    Abstract :

    This work combines two reactive programming approaches
    in order to support the safe design and execution of control systems,
    in the application domain of smart environments. Rule-based languages,
    like the one in the coordination environment LINC, provide for high-level
    programming of smart environments behaviours. LINC also ensures safe
    execution supported by transactional management of rules. However,
    when the rules are numerous, they can be inconsistent or bring the system
    into unsafe states. On the other hand, reactive languages based on
    automata, enable verification, and even synthesis of controllers in the case
    of Heptagon/BZR. This paper studies these two languages and combines
    their reactive execution mechanisms. A case study taken in the field of
    building automation is presented to illustrate the proposed approach.

  • friday 11 march 2016Naweiluo Zhou
    UGA / Inria

    « Autonomic Parallelism and Thread Mapping Control on Software Transactional Memory »

    Inria Montbonnot, C208

    Abstract :

    Parallel programs need to manage the time trade-off between synchronization and computation. The time trade-off is hugely affected by the number of active threads. A high parallelism may decrease computing time meanwhile increase synchronization cost. Additionally threads locality on different cores may impact on program performance too, as the memory access time can vary from one core to another due to the complexity of the underlying memory architecture. Therefore a program performance can be improved by adjusting the number of active threads as well as their localities. However, there is no universal rule to decide the parallelism and the thread locality for a program from an offline view. Furthermore, an offline tuning is costly and error-prone. In this paper, we dynamically adjust parallelism and thread localities. We address multiple threads issues via Software Transactional Memory (STM). STM has emerged as a promising technique, which bypasses locks, to address synchronization issues through transactions. Autonomic computing offers designers a framework of methods and techniques to build autonomic systems with well-mastered behaviours. Its key idea is to implement feedback control loops to design safe, efficient and predictable controllers, which enable monitoring and adjusting controlled systems dynamically while keeping overhead low. We propose to design a feedback control loop to automate thread management at runtime and diminish program execution time.

  • thursday 14 january 2016Alessandro Papadopoulos
    Lund University, Sweden

    « Control and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems in Presence of Uncertainty »

    DAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus

    Abstract :

    The increasing complexity in different areas of computing systems calls for novel inter-disciplinary approaches, able to cope with dynamic and uncertain environments. Different decision-making mechanisms are considered in the literature, but the robustness of the proposed techniques is proven only on a limited number of cases, without providing general guarantees. The aim of this talk is to present: 1) an overview of simple control techniques that can be applied to relevant problems in computing systems, 2) a performance assessment methodology that gives probabilistic guarantees of the propose techniques in presence of uncertainty. These concepts will be explained via a running example on load-balancing techniques for cloud computing.

  • wednesday 7 october 20153rd Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Controlplace : in Grenoble, on the campus, GIPSA-lab, Seminary roomDAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus
  • jeudi 17 septembre, 9h30Naweiluo Zhou,
    Grenoble University/ INRIA Corse & Ctrl-A

    « Autonomic Parallelism Adaptation on Software Transactional Memory »

    DAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus

  • jeudi 18 juin 2015 à 14hVincent Lanore,
    Inria Avalon / LIP, Lyon

    « A Reconfigurable Component Model for HPC »

    DAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus

  • jeudi 7 mai 2015 à 10hMengxuan Zhao
    Orange labs

    « Contrôle Discret pour l’Internet des Objets et les Environnements Intelligents au travers d’une infrastructure partagée »

    Orange Labs, 28 chemin du vieux chêne, 38240 Meylan

    PhD defense (in french)

  • jeudi 9 avril, 14hAdja Sylla

    « Coordination Rules Generation from Coloured Petri Net Models »

    DAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus

  • 9 mars 2015, 9h30Luigi Carro
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

    « Future technologies and the challenge of high speed, low energy, high reliability computing: what are the challenges? »

    DAUTO – salle des Séminaires B208, Gipsa-lab, Campus

  • 3 december 2014at 14h
    on the campus at UFRIMA,
    60 Rue de la Chimie, 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères,
    room F316

    Soguy Mak-Karé Gueye

    « Coordination Modulaire de Gestionnaires Autonomes par Contrôle Discret »

    PhD defense (in french)

  • 4 november 2014the whole day2nd Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control
    7 talks
  • 22 septembre 2014Frederico Alvares
    « High-level language support for the control of reconfigurations in component-based architectures »
  • 30 june 2014Emil Dumitrescu e.a. (INSA Lyon)
    « Synthesizing control-command systems out of reusable COTS (Commercial
    off the shelf) »
  • 27 may 2014the whole day
    Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control
  • 27 march 2014Julio Cano
    « Correct coordination of ECA rules by verification and control »
    work with : Gwenaël Delaval, Eric Rutten
  • 14 march 2014Frederico Alvares
    « A Language Support for Cloud Elasticity Management »
    work with : Thomas Ledoux (Inria/EMNantes)
  • 4 fév. 2014Nicolas Berthier
    « Discrete Controller Synthesis for Logico-numerical Programs with ReaX »
    work with : H. Marchand (INRIA Rennes)

    « Designing Autonomic Management Systems by using Reactive Control Techniques »
    work with : Soguy Mak-Karé Gueye, Noël de Palma, Eric Rutten


  • 14 jan. 2014Soguy Mak-Karé Gueye
    « Modular coordination of multiple autonomic managers »
    work with : Gwenaël Delaval, Noël de Palma, Eric Rutten


  • 25 nov. 2013Mihaly Berekmeri (Gipsa-lab)
    « A control approach for performance in Big Data systems »

    work with : Bogdan Robu (Gipsa-lab), Sara Bouchenak (LIG), Damian Serano (LIG INRIA) et Nicolas Marchand (Gipsa-lab)

  • 11 oct. 2013Eric Rutten (INRIA, Grenoble)
    « Introduction générale au “Feedback Computing”, et aspects Contrôle discret »

    Mengxuan Zhao (Orange labs)

    « Modèles génériques applicables à la synthèse de contrôleurs discrets pour l’internet des objets »

  • 24 sept. 2013
    (réunion sans présentation)
  • 18 juin 2013Patrice Moreaux, LISTIC, Université de Savoie (Projet OpenCloudware)
    « Analyse et décision pour la gestion prédictive des applications déployées dans le Cloud – quelles solutions envisager? »
  • 27 mai 2013Julio Cano
    “Run-time Adaptation in Dynamic Component-based Real-time Systems”
  • 18 avril 2013
    (réunion sans présentation)
  • 9 april 2013
    kick-off meeting
    of STAARS,
    projet exploratoire (march 2013 – sept. 2014) of the LabEx Persyval-lab
  • 27 mars 2013Rafael Ferreira da Silva
    (avec Tristan Glatard –
    CNRS, U. Lyon, CREATIS,
    Frédéric Desprez –

    « Self-healing of workflow executions: application to late task
    execution, task granularity, and fairness among workflows »

  • 26 février 2013
    Nicolas Berthier

    « (Towards a) Reactive Design of Autonomic Management Systems »

  • 31 janvier 2013
    Yliès Falcone (LIG, Vasco)

    Towards distributed monitoring (of Android applications)

  • 18 décembre 2012Nicolas Marchand
    introduction au contrôle – commande “continu” de systèmes informatiques
  • 27 novembre 2012Gwenaël Delaval
    modularité en Synthèse de Contrôleurs Discrets, et dans la compilation de BZR
  • 17 oct. 2012

    Mengxuan Zao

    premières approches en contrôle supervisé dans le “smart home”

  • 12 juin 2012
    • Soguy Gueye
      Coordinating energy-aware administration loops
      using discrete control
    • Xin An
      Discrete Controller Synthesis for Runtime
      Management of Dynamically Reconfigurable
      Embedded Systems

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