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projet exploratoire (march 2013 – sept. 2014) of the LabEx Persyval-lab

Supervisory control Techniques for Autonomic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable computing Systems


We organise the Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control, , on 27 may 2014





Master’s Thesis



Computing systems are more and more ubiquitous, at scales from tiny embedded systems to large-scale
cloud infrastructures. They are more and more adaptive and reconfigurable, for resource management,
energy efficiency, or by functionality. Furthermore, these systems are increasingly complex and autonomous:
their administration cannot any longer rely on a strong interaction with a human administrator.
The correct design and implementation of automated control of the reconfigurations and/or their
tuning is recognized as a key issue for the effectiveness of these
adaptive systems.

Our objective is to build methods and tools for the design of safe controllers for autonomic, adaptive,
reconfigurable computing systems. To attain this goal, we propose to combine Computer Science and
Control Theory, at the levels of systems infrastructures, programming support, and modeling and control

The purpose of this projet exploratoire is to :


seminars & meetings

This seminar follows upon previous seminars on the theme
by the Ctrl-A group.

See complete list of meetings and seminars

Master’s Thesis

We are
proposing a Master’s position Modélisation stochastique et contrôle discret dans les environnements domestiques “intelligents”

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