New Master 2 internship offer: “Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study”

Subject: Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study Supervisors: Aurelie Calabrese and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team), Abstract: Reading performance has become one of the most important clinical measures for judging the effectiveness of treatments, surgical procedures, or rehabilitation techniques. Accurate measurement of reading performance requires highly…

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New Master 2 internship offer: “Automatic production of constrained text from a corpus”

Subject: Automatic production of constrained text from a corpus Supervisors: Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team), Jean-Charles Régin (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis and I3S, CNRS), and Aurelie Calabrese (Biovision project-team) Abstract: Reading performance has become one of the most important clinical measures for judging the effectiveness of treatments, surgical procedures, or rehabilitation techniques. The…

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New Master 2 internship offer: “Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem”

Subject: Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem Supervisors: Dorian Mazauric (ABS project-team) and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team) Abstract: Newspapers pose a unique accessibility challenge for people with vision impairment. We foresee an original approach to generate more accessible newspaper design automatically. The core of this…

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New Ph.D. offer: “Modelling dynamical synapses in the retinal network”

The Biovision Lab is seeking to recruit a highly-qualified Ph.D. candidate to join our dynamic, multi-disciplinary research team, whose primary goal is to study vision impairment from theoretical and applied perspectives. You will be based in Sophia-Antipolis on the French Riviera, in the Inria Research center. TITLE: Modelling dynamical synapses in…

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Seminar of Christophe Hugon on virtual reality for psychophysics (Mar. 4, 2020)

When: 4 March 2020, 11h00 Where : Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée, room Byron beige Speaker : Dr. Christophe Hugon (Research & Development in Marseilles, R&DoM founder) Title: Development of a virtual reality framework applied to psychophysics and medical applications Abstract: The development of virtual reality (VR) equipment has boomed recently,…

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