New Master 1-2 internship offer: “Saliency heat maps for interactive 3D scenes using virtual reality”

Subject: Saliency heat maps for interactive 3D scenes using virtual reality Supervisor: Hui-Yin Wu (Biovision project-team) Abstract: Saliency maps are the most common way of visualizing human attention, and is broadly used to understand how people view visual content, how style and visual arrangement in media changes the way people explore,…

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New Master 2 internship offer: “Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study”

Subject: Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study Supervisors: Aurelie Calabrese and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team), Abstract: Reading performance has become one of the most important clinical measures for judging the effectiveness of treatments, surgical procedures, or rehabilitation techniques. Accurate measurement of reading performance requires highly…

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New Master 2 internship offer: “Automatic production of constrained text from a corpus”

Subject: Automatic production of constrained text from a corpus Supervisors: Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team), Jean-Charles Régin (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis and I3S, CNRS), and Aurelie Calabrese (Biovision project-team) Abstract: Reading performance has become one of the most important clinical measures for judging the effectiveness of treatments, surgical procedures, or rehabilitation techniques. The…

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New Master 2 internship offer: “Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem”

Subject: Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem Supervisors: Dorian Mazauric (ABS project-team) and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team) Abstract: Newspapers pose a unique accessibility challenge for people with vision impairment. We foresee an original approach to generate more accessible newspaper design automatically. The core of this…

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