New Master 2 internship offer: “Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study”

Subject: Validation of automatically generated reading material in a virtual reality environment: A behavioral study

SupervisorsAurelie Calabrese and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team),
Abstract: Reading performance has become one of the most important clinical measures for judging the effectiveness of treatments, surgical procedures, or rehabilitation techniques. Accurate measurement of reading performance requires highly standardized reading tests, such as the MNREAD acuity chart. Very recently, we developed a method to generate automatically a very large number of coherent sentences, in French, while taking into account the strict linguistics, length, and layout constraints, imposed by the MNREAD rules. Your mission will be to validate the reading material created with our generator thanks to a protocol running in a virtual reality environment where reading speed and eye movements will be analyzed.
Skills you will learn: Experimenting in a virtual reality environment, recording and analyzing eye movement data, basic linguistic notions, basic statistical analysis notions.
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How to apply? Send your application through this form. Please feel also free to contact the supervisors if you need more information.

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