Shifted White Noise Generator

Shifted White Noise Generator

Daniela Pamplona, Gerrit Hilgen, Matthias H Hennig, Bruno Cessac. Evelyne Sernagor, and Pierre Kornprobst


We present a novel approach to measure receptive fields in large and heterogeneous populations of sensory neurons recorded with large-scale, high-density multielectrode arrays. Our approach leverages super-resolution principles to improve the yield of the spike-triggered average method. By simply designing a new stimulus (called shifted white noise), we provide experimentalists with a new and fast technique to simultaneously detect more receptive fields at higher resolution in populations of hundreds to thousands of neurons.


Paper | Source Code (*)

(*) Our code is open source. Note that if you use our method in your paper, we will be very pleased to cite your paper in the section at the end of this page. Just think about sending us a message with the reference.


TITLE = {{Receptive field estimation in large visual neuron assemblies using a super-resolution approach}},
AUTHOR = {Pamplona, Daniela and Hilgen, Gerrit and Hennig, Matthias H and Cessac, Bruno and Sernagor, Evelyne and Kornprobst, Pierre},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {{Journal of Neurophysiology}},
PUBLISHER = {{American Physiological Society}},
VOLUME = {127},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {1334–1347},
YEAR = {2022},
DOI = {10.1152/jn.00076.2021},
PDF = {}

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