Category: Seminars

Zenith seminar: Florent Masseglia,”Big Data Mining”, December 13, 2012.

Florent Masseglia will present a survey on Big Data Mining December 13 at 10:30am, room G.127. Title: Big Data Mining Abstract: In this talk I will adopt a “binary” point of view on big data (i.e. data streams, and data that is so large and complex that it has to be managed in a cloud). …

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Workshop Mastodons@Montpellier: Gestion de Données à Grande Echelle en Science de la Vie

Vendredi 7 décembre 2012 de 9h à 17h Lieu: Salle des séminaires, LIRMM, 161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Contacts: et Site (pour s’inscrire): La biologie et ses applications, de la médecine à l’agronomie ou l’écologie, deviennent des sciences productrices des données massives et exigent des nouvelles approches computationnelles pour analyser et partager …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Marta Mattoso,”Exploring Provenance in High Performance Scientific Computing”, December 6, 2012.

Marta Mattoso is Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the COPPE Institute from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) since 1994, where she leads the Distributed Database Research Group. She has received the D.Sc degree from UFRJ. Dr. Mattoso has been active in the database research community for more than twenty years and her …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Duy Hoa Ngo,”Enhancing Ontology Matching by Using Machine Learning, Graph Matching and Information Retrieval Techniques”, December 3, 2012.

Hoa will give a talk about his thesis work on Ontology Matching. He will defend his thesis a few days later (date to be announced). Title: Enhancing Ontology Matching by Using Machine Learning, Graph Matching and Information Retrieval Techniques Abstract: In recent years, ontologies have attracted a lot of attention in the Computer Science community, …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Tristan Allard,”Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing using Secure Devices”, November 16, 2012.

Tristan Allard will present part of his Ph.D. thesis work on Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing on November 16, 2012, at 10:30 am. Location: Galéra, Room 127. Title: ETAP : Revisiting Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing using Secure Devices. Abstract:The goal of Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) is to generate a sanitized (i.e. harmless) view of sensitive personal data (e.g. a health …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Imene Mami,”A Declarative Approach to Modeling and Solving the View Selection Problem”, November 9, 2012.

Imene will defend her Ph.D thesis on November 15. She will give a talk about the view selection problem on November 9 at 10:30 am, room G.127. Title: A Declarative Approach to Modeling and Solving the View Selection Problem Abstract: View selection is important in many data-intensive systems e.g., commercial database and data warehousing systems …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Florent Masseglia, “Mining Uncertain Data Streams”, October 17, 11am.

Florent Masseglia will present a recent work, done with Reza Akbarinia, about uncertain data stream mining on October 17 at 11am, room G.227. Title: Mining Uncertain Data Streams. Abstract: Dealing with uncertainty has gained increasing attention these past few years in both static and streaming data management and mining. There are many possible reasons for uncertainty, …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Khalid Saleem, “Open Data Analytics – Research Perspectives”, September 19, 11am.

Before leaving our team, Khalid will give a synthetic presentation of his work about open data analytics during his stay, on September 19, at 11am, G.127. Title : Open Data Analytics – Research Perspectives Title : Open Data Analytics – Research Perspectives Abstract : According to a survey internet has grown to 98 peta bytes in …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Imene Mami “View Selection Under Multiple Resource Constraints in a Distributed Context”, August 27, 11:30am.

In a joint talk with Miguel Liroz (at 11am), Imene will present her recent work on view selection in a distributed context under resource constraints, room G.127 at 11:30. Title: View Selection Under Multiple Resource Constraints in a Distributed Context Abstract: The use of materialized views in commercial database systems and data warehousing systems is …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Miguel Liroz, “Dynamic Workload-Based Partitioning for Large-Scale Databases”, August 27, 11am.

Miguel Liroz will present a recent work on large-scale databases paritioning in the next scientific seminar of Zenith, room G.127 at 11am. This will be a joint talk with Imene Mami (at 11:30). Title: Dynamic Workload-Based Partitioning for Large-Scale Databases Abstract: Applications with very large databases, where data items are continuously appended, are becoming more …

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