Category: Slider News
Watch the interview (34 minutes) at Le Monde Informatique.
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Pl@ntNet, with The Brazilian Team led by ESALQ (University of Sao Paulo) won the 3rd place at Xprize Rainforest, a $10 million competition among more than 300 teams related to novel technologies for the monitoring of tropical biodiversity. The Brazilian Team gathers biologists, ecologists, economists, engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians from Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Spain, …
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The book published by Springer, Event Detection in Time Series, authored by Eduardo Ogasawara (CEFET-RJ, Brazil), Rebecca Salles (Zenith), Fabio Porto (LNCC, Brazil) and Esther Pacitti (Zenith), reflects our productive collaboration with Brazil in the context of the HPDaSc associated team.
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Program 9:00-9:15 Workshop overview: Fabio Porto (LNCC) and Patrick Valduriez (Inria) 9:15-09:45 Patrick Valduriez: The Iroko Project 09:45-10:15 Lucas Tavares, Jano Lima (CEFET-RJ): Autoenconder for Concept Drift & Change Point Detection 10:15-10:45: Rocio Zorrilla (LNCC): Marine CSEM Inversion with Synthetic Data and Convolutional Neural Networks 10:45-11:15 Break 11:15-11:45 Fabio Porto: The Gypscie System – Current …
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Patrick Valduriez is a keynote speaker at the 36th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2024), Rennes, 10-12 July 2024.
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The talk discusses the impact of data science on innovation. Check the news from Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) about the talk.
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Spotlight on our PlantNet application with this Youtube video (in French sorry), with our botany and data science experts Alexis Joly and Pierre Bonnet from Zenith.
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Inria seminar, Salle Jacques-Louis Lions, Centre Inria Paris, 23 november 2023, 10h Big Data Technologies: spotlight on NoSQL, NewSQL and Spark Patrick Valduriez The ability to produce high-value information and knowledge from big data makes it critical for many applications such as decision support, forecasting, business intelligence, research, and (data-intensive) science. However, processing and analyzing …
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See The Data Systems Seminar Series, University of Waterloo, Canada, Tuesday 5 september 2023. Life Science Workflow Services (LifeSWS): motivations and architecture Patrick Valduriez Inria, University of Montpellier, CNRS, LIRMM, France Data driven science requires manipulating large datasets coming from various data sources through complex workflows based on a variety of models and languages. With …
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