Zenith seminar: Florent Masseglia,”Big Data Mining”, December 13, 2012.

Florent Masseglia will present a survey on Big Data Mining December 13 at 10:30am, room G.127.

Title: Big Data Mining

Abstract: In this talk I will adopt a “binary” point of view on big data (i.e. data streams, and data that is so large and complex that it has to be managed in a cloud). Then I will focus on three problems of data mining: clustering, frequent itemsets, and frequent sequential patterns. I will give an overview of well known techniques for their discovery in large amounts of data and I will present a few clues on how to solve these problems in data streams and with cloud computing.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-florent-massegliabig-data-mining-december-13-2012/