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Distributed data management

CloudMdsQL Polystore (2015-2019)

The CloudMdsQL (Cloud Multi-datastore Query Language) polystore transforms queries expressed in a common SQL-like query language into an optimized query execution plan to be executed over multiple cloud data stores (SQL, NoSQL, HDFS, etc.) through a query engine. The compiler/optimizer is implemented in C++ and uses the Boost.Spirit framework for parsing context-free grammars. CloudMdsQL has been validated on relational, document and graph data stores in the context of the CoherentPaaS European project.

SAVIME – Simulation And Visualization IN-Memory (2017 -)

SAVIME is a multi-dimensional array DBMS for scientific applications. It supports a novel data model called TARS (Typed ARray Schema), which extends the basic array data model with typed arrays. In TARS, the support of application dependent data characteristics is provided through the definition of TAR objects, ready to be manipulated by TAR operators. This approach provides much flexibility for capturing internal data layouts through mapping functions, which makes data ingestion independent of how simulation data has been produced, thus minimizing ingestion time.

Triton End-to-End Graph Mapper (2017 -)

A server for managing graph data and applications for mobile social networks. The server is built on top of the OrientDB graph database system and a distributed middleware. It provides an End-to-end Graph Mapper (EGM) for modeling the whole application as (i) a set of graphs representing the business data, the in-memory data structure maintained by the application and the user interface (tree of graphical components), and (ii) a set of standardized mapping operators that maps these graphs with each other.

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