National and Regional

National and Regional Collaborative Projects

  • DATAIA YARN 2022-2025 Automatic Processing of Messy Brain Data with Robust Methods and Transfer Learning.
    Coordinator: Sylvain Chevallier, Florent Bouchard (L2S)
    Other Partners: L2s, Meta Paris, Raymond Poincaré Hospital (France), FCAI (Aalto U., Finland)
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  • ANR SPEED 2021-2025 Simulating Physical PDEs Efficiently with Deep Learning
    Coordinator: Lionel Mathelin (LISN, ex-LIMSI)
    Participants: Michele Alessandro Bucci, Guillaume Charpiat, Marc Schoenauer
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  • ANR RoDAPoG 2021-2025 Robust DL for Artificial genomics and Population Genetics
    Coordinator:Flora Jay,
    Participants: Cyril Furtlehner, Guillaume Charpiat.
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  • Chaire IA HUMANIA 2020-2024, Democratizing Artificial Intelligence.
    Chair: Isabelle Guyon
    Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, Anne-Catherine Letournel, François Landes.
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  • ANR HUSH 2020-2023, HUman Supply cHain behind smart technologies.
    Coordinator : Telecom Paris (Antonio A. Casilli)
    Participants: Paola Tubaro
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  • DIM Région CODALAB 2019-2023, soutien à la plateforme de challenge Codalab.
    Participants: Isabelle Guyon et Adrien Pavao.
  • DATAIA ML4CFD 2020-2022 ML for Computational Fluid Dynamics.
    Coordinator: Michele Alessandro Bucci
    Participants: Guillaume Charpiat, Marc Schoenauer
    Other Partners: IFPEN (Jean-Marc Gratien and Thibault Faney)
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  • ADEME NEXT 2017-2022. Simulation, calibration, and optimization of regional
    or urban power grids.
    Coordinator: ARTELYS
    Participants: Isabelle Guyon, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, Victor Berger (PhD), Herilalaina Rakotoarison (PhD), Berna Bakir Batu (Post-doc)
    Other partners: Centrale Lille, GEG Grenoble
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  • MITI-CNRS TRIA 2020-2021, Le TRavail de l’Intelligence Artificielle : éthique et gouvernance de l’automation.
    Coordinator: Paola Tubaro
    Other Partners: Telecom Paris (A.A. Casilli)
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  • PIA JobAgile 2018-2021, Evidence-based Recommandation pour l’Emploi et la Formation.
    Coordinators: Michèle Sebag and Stéphanie Delestre (Qapa)
    Participants: Philippe Caillou, Isabelle Guyon
    Other Partners: Qapa, Dataiku, CAMS (EHESS)
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  • EIT Health COMETH 2020 (60 kEuros), Organization of challenges toward personalized
    Coordinator: Magali Richard (Inria Grenoble)
    Participants: Isabelle Guyon
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  • DATAIA Vadore 2018-2020, VAlorizations of Data to imprOve matching in the laboR markEt.
    Coordinator: Michèle Sebag
    Participants: Philippe Caillou, Isabelle Guyon
    Other Partners: CREST (ENSAE), Pôle Emploi.
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  • DARES, Ministry of Labor BOBCAT 2018-2020, The new B-tO-B work intermediaries: comparing business models in the ”CollaborATive” digital economy
    Coordinator : Odile Chagny (IRES)
    Participants: Paola Tubaro and Antonio A. Casilli (Telecom Paris)
  • ANR EPITOME 2017-2020, Efficient rePresentatIon TO structure large-scale satellite iMagEs.
    Coordinator: Yuliya Tarabalka (Titane team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
    Participant: Guillaume Charpiat
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  • MSH IRS Nutriperso 2017-2020, Personalized recommendations toward healthier eating practices.
    Coordinator: INRA
    Participants: Philippe Caillou, Flora Jay, Michèle Sebag, Paola Tubaro
    Other Partners: INSERM, Agro Paristech, Mines Telecom
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  • EIT Health HADACA 2018-2019 (50 kEuros), Organization of challenges toward personalized
    Coordinator: Magali Richard (Inria Grenoble)
    Participants: Isabelle Guyon
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  • BPI PIA Adamme 2015-2018 Machine Learning on a mass-memory architecture.
    Coordinator: Bruno Farcy (ATOS Bull)
    Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Guillaume Charpiat, Cécile Germain-Renaud, Yasmina Bouzbiba, Etienne Brame
    Other Partners: ESILV, SNCF, Genoscope, Armadillo, HorizontalSoftware, NumScale.
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  • ANR ACTEUR 2014-2018, Cognitive agent development for urban simulations,
    Coordinator: P. Taillandier (IDEES, Univ Rouen)
    Participant: Philippe Caillou
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