European Projects

Collaborative European Projects

  • H2020 ICT49 CSA ADRA-e 2022-2024 AI, Data and Robotics Ecosystem
    Coordinator: INRIA (Marc Schoenauer)
    Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Joost Geurts (DPE), Viviane Habert (DPE)
    Other Partners: 13 partners, both academic and industrial.
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  • H2020 RIA TRUST-AI 2020-2024, Transparent, Reliable and Unbiased Smart Tool for AI,
    Coordinator: INESC TEC, Portugal (Gonçalo Figueira)
    Participants: Alessandro Leite, Marc Schoenauer
    Other Partners: Tartu Unikool (Estonia), NWO (Netherland), Apintech (Cyprus), LTP Labs (Portugal), TAZI (Turkey)
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  • H2020 ICT48 NoE TAILOR 2020-2024 Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Learning, Optimization and Reasoning.
    Coordinator: Linkopings Universitet, Sweden (Fredrik Heintz).
    Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Isabelle Guyon, Herilalaina Rakotoarison
    Other Partners: 53 partners, including 10 industrial.
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  • H2020 ICT48 CSA VISION 2020-2024 Value and Impact through Synergy, Interaction and coOperation of Networks of AI Excellence Centres
    Coordinator: Leiden University, The Netherland (Holger Hoos)
    Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Joost Geurts (DPE)
    Other Partners: Tech. Univ. Prague (Cech Rep.), DFKI (Germany), UCC (Ireland), FBK (Italy), TNO (The Netherland), Intelera (Italy), Thalès (France)
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  • MLSpaceWeather 2015-2019. Coupling physics-based simulations with AI.
    Coordinator: CWI
    Participants: Aurélien Decelle, Cyril Furtlehner, Michèle Sebag
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