GPU Resources

List of GPU resources available (update needed)

There are several GPU clusters around that TAU members can use freely:

  • TAU’s own GPU cluster (~50 GPUs 1080 bought in 2018): Titanic
  • GPU cluster at CDS – IDRIS (currently 20 GPUs, soon around 70): DSP Cluster
  • Ciboulette and Citronelle (small GPU server to play around with, outdated) : see TaoGPUServer
  • Jean Zay, national equipment installed in Summer 2019, 1000 GPUs (VT100) + as many CPUs. Secured access, see the connection instructions for INRIA members (you, if you are reading this text :-) It’s in French, the English version is empty as of today (Feb. 18, 2020), but DeepL is doing a great job translating.

Also, CPU clusters are available:

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