Category: Uncategorized

Scotch 6.0.7 released!

Scotch, the software package for graph/mesh/hypergraph partitioning, graph clustering, and sparse matrix ordering, has a new 6.0.7 release. It extends the target architecture API and adds MeTiS v5 compatibility.

Talk by Valentin Honoré on April 11th

Valentin Honoré will present in this talk his recent works about in situ scheduling. This work has been done with G. Aupy, B. Goglin and B. Raffin (Inria Grenoble) Title : Modeling High-throughput Applications for in situ Analytics Abstract : With the goal of performing exascale computing, the importance of I/O management becomes more and …

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Talk by Andres Rubio and Brice Goglin on April 9th

Brice & Andres will present us new trends in non-volatile memory technologies.

Talk by Navjot Kukreja (Imperial College London) on December 13th

Combining checkpointing and data compression for large scale seismic inversion Seismic inversion is a class of adjoint-based optimization problems that process up to terabytes of data, regularly exceeding the memory capacity of available computers.Data compression is an effective strategy to reduce this memory requirement by a certain factor, particularly if some loss in accuracy is …

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Talk by Paul Hovland (Argonne Nat Lab) on December 13th

Compressing Checkpoints in MITgcm Adjoint Computations Efficient computation of the gradients used for state estimation in the MITgcm general circulation model requires saving intermediate states to disk.  We present some preliminary experiments on compressing these checkpoints in order to reduce the time to read and write checkpoints or to increase the number of checkpoints written …

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Hugo Taboada defends his PhD thesis

Hugo Taboada will defend his PhD thesis entitled “MPI Non-Blocking Collective Overlap on Manycore Processor” on Tuesday, December 11th at 10:00 AM.   Supercomputers used in HPC are composed of severals inter-connected machines. Usually, they are programmed using MPI which specify an API for messages exchanges between machines. To amortize the cost of MPI collective …

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Nicolas Denoyelle defends his PhD thesis

Nicolas Denoyelle will defend his PhD thesis entitled “From Software Locality to Hardware Locality in Shared Memory Systems with Heterogeneous and Non-Uniform memory“, on Monday,  November 5th at 2:00 PM. Through years, the complexity of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems’ memory hierarchy has increased. Nowadays, large scale machines typically embed several levels of caches and …

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Talk by Georges Da Costa on Apr 07, 2017

Georges Da Costa will present works around “Multi-objective resources optimization: Performance- and Energy-aware  HPC and Clouds“

EuroMPI 2015 and MPI Forum in Bordeaux

We’re organizing the EuroMPI 2015 conference and MPI Forum meeting in Bordeaux from septembre 21st to 25th.

François Tessier defended his PhD thesis.

François Tessier successfully defended his PhD thesis in Bordeaux on January 26th 2015.