Category: Uncategorized

Clément Gavoille defended his PhD

C. Gavoille defended his PhD at Inria on January 15th 2024. The thesis focused on performance prediction for ARM architectures.

Talk by Louis Peyrondet

On October, 23rd 2023, Louis Peyrondet, 2nd year student at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, will present us the work he has done during his internship last summer, under the supervision of Francieli Boito and Luan Teylo. Title: A decentralized implementation of the IO-Sets method for I/O scheduling in HPC Abstract: On large HPC infrastructures, the parallel file system …

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Open Engineer Position: Benchmarking of applications’ I/O behavior and storage systems

Engineer F/M: Benchmarking of applications’I/O behavior and storage systems (performance and energy consumption)

hwloc nominated for academic open-source project reward

Hardware Locality is nominated for a French reward for academic open-source projects

Two postdoc positions available

The team is recruiting two postdoc researchers: Modelization of IO congestion. The profile is pretty open from theoretical to applied. Feel free to contact G. Pallez directly if you are interested to know more about the position. Design of strategies and tools for placing HPC tasks and data on heterogeneous memory architecture. Contact B. …

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Engineer position available

We are looking for an engineer for analyzing the I/O behavior of HPC applications

V. Honoré defends his PhD thesis on October 15th

Valentin Honoré will defend his PhD thesis entitled “HPC – Big Data Convergence: Managing the Diversity of Application Profiles on HPC Facilities” at University of Bordeaux on October 15th. The jury will be composed of: Gabriel Antoniu, Director of Research – Inria (Examiner) Anne Benoit, Associate Professor – ENS Lyon (Reviewer) Ewa Deelman, Research Director …

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B. Goglin gave a Keynote at the SBAC-PAD conference

B. Goglin gave a keynote at the SBAC-PAD international conference. He talked about process placement, modeling hierarchical architectures and heterogeneous resources.

Hardware-based communicator split accepted in MPI 4.0

G. Mercier’s proposal for hardware-topology-based MPI communicator split passed the 2nd vote at the MPI Forum meeting on June 30th, which means it will be in the revision 4.0 of the MPI standard (official release in 2020Q4). The “Guided” mode is described here while the “Unguided” mode is here. A prototype implementation is already available …

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Talk by Ana Gainaru on December 16th

Ana Gainaru from Vanderbilt University (TN, USA) will present a talk entitled “HPC for All: Easy deployment for heterogeneous dynamic applications.”