Category: talk

Talk by Amelie Zhou on Jun 15, 2017

Amelie Zhou, postdoc in the Ascola research team will talk about On Achieving Efficient Data Transfer for Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Datacenters. Graph partitioning, which distributes graph processing workloads to multiple machines for better parallelism, is an important problem for optimizing the performance and communication cost of graph processing jobs. Recently, many graph applications such …

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Talk by Georges Da Costa on Apr 07, 2017

Georges Da Costa will present works around “Multi-objective resources optimization: Performance- and Energy-aware  HPC and Clouds“

Talk by Valentin Lefèvre on Feb 28, 2017

Valentin Le Fèvre from LIP will present his work. Title: Periodic I/O scheduling for super-computers Abstract: With the ever-growing need of data in HPC applications, the congestion at the I/O level becomes critical in super-computers. Architectural enhancement such as burst-buffers and pre-fetching are added to machines, but are not sufficient to prevent congestion. Recent online …

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Talk by Jean-Thomas Acquaviva on Jan 09, 2017

Jean-Thomas Acquaviva from DataDirect Networks will give a talk about storage in HPC. Titre: IME and Managing the transition to Storage System Hierarchy Abstract: The current storage software stack is the center of a perfect storm. Only five years ago systems were assembled with clearly identified building blocks, each with its own order of magnitude: …

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Talk by Vincent Perrier on Dec 13, 2016

Vincent Perrier présentera ses travaux au tour de la bibliothèque Aerosol. Titre : Méthodes numériques d’ordre élevé pour la mécanique des fluides: formulation, optimisation et parallélisation Résumé: “Le but de cet exposé est de présenter le travail effectué ces dernières années dans la bibliothèque Aerosol pour le développement de méthodes numériques pour les écoulements compressibles. Nous commencerons …

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Talk by Juan Luis García Zapata on Sep 27, 2016

Juan Luis García Zapata from the University of Extremadura will present his work on “Spectral graph partition: old and new results” Abstract: A distributed application is modeled as a weighted graph where tasks or processes are the vertices and the edge between two task is weight by the total volume of communications between them. The …

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Talk by Guillaume Aupy on Apr 21, 2016

Guillaume Aupy (Vanderbilt Univ.) will give a talk on Optimal Multi-stage algorithm for Adjoint Computation. Abstract: We reexamine the work of Stumm and Walther on multistage algorithms for adjoint computation. We provide an optimal algorithm for this problem whenthere are two levels of check- points, in memory and on disk. Previously, optimal algorithms for adjoint …

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Talk by Balasz Gerofi on Feb 01, 2016

Balasz Gerofi from RIKEN will give a talk. Title: An Overview of RIKEN’s System Software Research and Development Targeting the Next Generation Japanese Flagship Supercomputer Abstract: RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computation Science has been appointed by the Japanese government as the main organization for leading the development of Japan’s next generation flagship supercomputer, the successor …

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