[PhD defense] Embedding models for relational data analytics

The PhD defense of Alexis Cvetkov-Iliev on “Embedding models for relational data analytics” will take place on January 25 at 12:30 in Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain, Inria Saclay. It can also be attended remotely via the following link: https://inria.webex.com/meet/alexis.cvetkov-iliev. Short abstract of the defense:Data analysis, for instance with machine learning, typically…

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Soda announces Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence to improve the performance of the scikit-learn machine learning library

Fast and More Efficient Machine Learning across Architectures [29 March, 2022] – Soda announces establishing an Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence for scikit-learn acceleration as part of a collaboration with Intel. In the information age, machine learning algorithms must efficiently manage large data sets. This requires scalable algorithms and efficient…

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