June 15 – Patrik Daniel: An adaptive hp-refinement strategy with computable guaranteed error reduction factors

Patrik Daniel: Thursday 15 June at 3:30pm, A415 Inria Paris.
We propose a new practical adaptive refinement strategy for hp-finite element approximations of elliptic problems. Following some recent theoretical developments in polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori error analysis, we solve two complementary classes of discrete local problems on the vertex-based patches. The first class involves the solution on each patch of a mixed finite element problem with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, which leads to an H(div,Ω)-conforming equilibrated flux. This in turns yields a guaranteed upper bound on the error and serves to mark elements for refinement via a Dörfler bulk criterion. The second class of local problems involves the solution, on each marked patch only, of two separate primal finite element problems with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, which serve to decide between h-, p-, or hp-refinement. Altogether, we show that these ingredients lead to a computable error reduction factor; we guarantee that while performing the hp-adaptive refinement as suggested, the error will be reduced at least by this factor on the next hp-mesh. In a series of numerical experiments in two space dimensions, we first study the accuracy of our predicted reduction factor: in particular, we measure the ratio of the predicted reduction factor relative to the true error reduction, and we find that it is very close to the optimal value of one for both smooth and singular exact solutions. Finally, we study the overall performance of the proposed hp-refinement strategy on some test cases, for which we observe effectivity indices very close to one and exponential convergence rates.

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