What happened in the past

What happened in the past






  • Nov 26th 2010: Sébastien Bubeck has been ranked 2nd for the 2010 Gilles Kahn award (best PhD in computer science)
  • starting Sep. 14th 2010, Peter Auer visits SequeL during 10 days
  • The cover of the July 2010 Pour la Science magazine advertize Rémi Coulom’s paper about ranking in games and sports
  • Sébastien Bubeck defends his PhD on June 10th, 2010 at the ENS-Ulm. He is the first student to defend a PhD in SequeL.
  • Laszlo Gyorfi visits us on March 19th.
  • from Feb 4th to Feb 11th, 2010, Boris Ryabko is visiting SequeL during 10 days
  • V. Gabillon, J. Mary, and Ph. Preux received the best paper award at the 10e Extraction, Gestion des Connaissances (EGC) for their paper “Affichage de publicités sur des portails web”


  • S. Bubeck receives the best student paper award at COLT’2009.


  • Fall 2008: R. Coulom’s Crazy Stone wins against a human expert
  • Sep 2008: Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) at Île de Ré, organized by M. Davy and J. Mary
  • June-July 2008: SequeL organizes the 8th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
  • Jan 2008: creation of the Predict & Control spin-off by P-A. Coquelin


  • 2007: R. Coulom’s Crazy Stone becomes a valuable opponent for a human being at the 19×19 Go game. He is awarded with silver medal.
  • Jul 1st, 2007: SequeL is officially created as an INRIA team-project.


  • Apr 3rd, 2006: SequeL is created as an INRIA team, located in Lille.


  • Spring 2005: M. Davy, R. Munos, Ph. Preux meet and begin to talk about creating SequeL.

PhDs and HdRs defended in the group

Yearly Report of activity

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