Team members

Each SequeL member either belongs to the Inria, or to the CNRS, or the Université de Lille. All of them are also members of the CRIStAL which is associated to the CNRS.

Permanent Staff

Currently, and Temporarily, Not Members of SequeL

  • Christos Dimitrakakis, leave of absence at Harvard (associate professor, University of Lille)
  • Romaric Gaudel, full secondment as an associate professor, ENSAI (Rennes)
  • Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, leave of absence at Google Deepmind, Mountain View (Inria researcher)
  • Alessandro Lazaric, full secondment at Facebook AI Research, Paris (Inria researcher, CR1)
  • Jérémie Mary, full secondment at Critéo, Paris (associate professor University of Lille)
  • Rémi Munos, full secondment at Deepmind, Paris (Inria senior researcher)
  • Olivier Pietquin, full secondment at Google Brain, Paris (professor, University of Lille)
  • Bilal Piot, full secondment at Deepmind/Google, London (associate professor, University of Lille)
  • Daniil Ryabko, full secondment at Fishlife Research (Inria researcher, CR1)
  • Michal Valko, full secondment at DeepMind, Paris (Inria researcher)

External Collaborators

  • Olivier Pietquin, Google Brain
  • Michal Valko, DeepMind

Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Essam Morsi, in collaboration with Bruno Raffin, Datamove, Inria Grenoble, since Nov. 2019
  • Pierre Ménard, since February 2019
  • Mohit Mittal, since October 1st
  • Sein Minn, since July 2020

Ph.D. Students

  • Dorian Baudry, CNRS, since November 1st, 2019
  • Omar Darwiche Domingues, Inria, since Oct. 2018
  • Johan Ferret, CIFRE with Google, since Oct. 2019
  • Yannis Flet-Berliac, Univ. Lille, since in Oct. 2018
  • Romain Gautron, CIRAD, CGIARD/CIAT/CIRAD, since Sept 2019
  • Nathan Grinsztajn, AMX, since Oct. 2019
  • Léonard Hussenot, CIFRE with Google, since Feb. 2020
  • Reda Ouhamma, AMX, since Oct. 2019
  • Pierre Perrault, Inria, co-advised with Vianney Perchet, CMLA, since Sep. 2017
  • Fabien Pesquerel, ENS Paris, since Nov. 2020
  • Sarah Perrin, AMX, since Nov. 2019
  • Clémence Réda, co-advised with Andrée Delahaye-Duriez (INSERM, Paris), ASN, since Sept. 2019
  • Hassan Saber, since Oct. 1st, 2018
  • Pierre Schegg, Defrost, co-advised with Christian Duriez and Jérémie Desquidt, CIFRE grant funded by Robocath, since Jan. 2019
  • Mathieu Seurin University of Lille, funded on BabyRobot h2020 project, since Sep. 2017
  • Julien Seznec,, Inria/CIFRE, since Mar. 2017
  • Xuedong Shang, Inria/ENS Rennes/U. Lille, since Oct. 2017
  • Jean Tarbouriech, FAIR, CIFRE, since April 2019


  • Hernan Carvajal Bastidas, since March 2021
  • Antoine Moulin, since February 2021
  • Julien Teigny, since October 1st, 2020


  • Marc Jourdan, FacforPro, since March, 2021


(More than 1 day visits)

  • Irving Gomez Méndez, CIMAT, Mexico, from January 1st to April 11th 2020
  • Anders Jonsson, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone, September 2019 – July 2020
  • Kaige Yang, UCL, Oct 9th 2019, Jan. 9th, 2020
  • Rianne de Heide, CWI, April 23rd – August 3rd, 2019
  • Chuan-Zheng Lee, stanford University from June to October 2019
  • Arun Verma, IIT Bombay,June 1st to November 30th, 2019
  • Abbas Mehrabian, McGill University, Nov. 26-30, 2018
  • Xiaotian Yu, Chinese University of Hong-Kong, Nov. 26-30, 2018
  • Bruno Raffin, Inria Grenoble, Nov 21-23, 2018
  • Peter Grünwald, CWI
  • Jumpei Komiyama, University of Tokyo, since October 2018
  • Han Shao, since October 2018, visiting during her PhD at the Chinese University of Hong-Kong
  • Audrey Durand, McGill University, May 2018
  • Andrea Locatelli Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, April-May 2018, to work with Michal Valko
  • Jill-Jênn Vie, RIKEN AIP, Tokyo, April 2018
  • Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, June-September 2017
  • Claire Vernade, Télécom ParisTech, June 16-21 2017
  • Harm de Vries, University of Montreal, Jan-Jun 2017
  • Kamyar Azzizadenesheli, UC Irvine, Aug 2016-Jan 2017
  • Maryam Aziz, Northeastern University, May-Aug 2016
  • Yao Ma, University of Tokyo, Jan-Mar 2016
  • Cricia Zilda Felicio Paixao, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Triângulo Mineiro, Campus Uberlândia Centro, Brazil, Sep 2015-Aug 2016
  • Ronald Ortner, University of Leoben, Austria, September 2015
  • Jennifer Healey, from Intel Corporation, March 2013, April 2014, August 2014
  • Sergio Valcarcel, from Technical University of Madrid, Spain, Feb.-Apr. 2014
  • Julien Audiffren, Université de Marseille, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale, Jan 2014
  • Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, LIP’6, March-April 2013
  • Aditya Gopalan, Indian Institute of Science, March 2017
  • Gunnar Kedenburg, idalab, Berlin Institute of Technology, Dec. 2012-November 2013
  • Gusztav Morvai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Oct 18-24 Oct, 2012
  • Joelle Pineau, Mc Gill University, Canada, spends a part of her sabbatical from Sep. 2012 to June 2013
  • Marek Slonski, Cracow University of Technology in KrakĂłw, Poland, from mid-June to mid-July 2012
  • Phuong Nguyen, Australia, Feb 15th to Apr 30th, 2012
  • Ronald Ortner from University of Leoben, Austria, spends his sabbatical 2012 with us
  • Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori from January to February 2012.
  • Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, spends 3 months (April-June 2011) in SequeL to work with Rémi Munos
  • Matthew Hoffman, UBC, Canada, Oct 2010-Mar 2011
  • Brahim Chaib-Draa, U. Laval, Québec, Canada, is invited professor at the University of Lille 3 from Jan. to Jul. 2011, and he is visiting SequeL in the meantime
  • Lucian Busoniu, spends 3 months, starting Sep 2010, to work with Rémi Munos, and Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
  • Lukasz Lew, PhD student at the University of Warsaw, Poland, spends 3 weeks starting on April 8th, to work with Rémi Coulom on Go programs
  • Boris Ryabko spent 2 weeks in February 2010 to work with Daniil Ryabko
  • Mohammadi Zaki, Phd Indian institute of Sicence, March 2017
  • Sandra Zilles spent 1 week, January 2009

Administrative Assistant

  • Amelie Supervielle

Former Members

Former “Permanent” Staff

  • Rémi Coulom
  • Pierre Chainais, École Centrale de Lille
  • Manuel Davy
  • Emmanuel Duflos, École Centrale de Lille
  • Philippe Vanheeghe, École Centrale de Lille

Former Ph.D. Students

In chronological order:

  • Edouard Leurent, Renault, CIFRE, since Oct. 2017, defended October 30th, 2020
  • Guillaume Gautier, Inria/CNRS/Centrale Lille, funded by ANR (ANR ExtraLearn and ANR Bob), since Feb. 2017, defended May 19th, 2020
  • Florian Strub, Université de Lille, since Jan. 2016, defended Jan 28th, 2020
  • Jean-Bastien Grill, Inria/ENS Ulm/U. Lille, Oct. 2014, defended Dec 2019
  • Nicolas Carrara, Orange Labs R&D, CIFRE, Oct. 2015, defended Dec 2019
  • Lilian Besson, Centrale-Supélec, co-advised with Christophe Moy, since Oct. 2016, defended Nov. 20th, 2019.
  • Ronan Fruit, Inria, co-funded by ANR & Région Nord-Pas de Calais, since Dec. 2015, defended Nov. 6th, 2019.
  • Kiewan Villatel, Critéo, start in Oct. 2017, aborted June 2019.
  • Merwan Barlier, Orange Labs R&D, CIFRE, since oct. 2014, defended Dec. 14th, 2019
  • Romain Warlop, 55, since Sep. 2015, defended Oct. 19th, 2018
  • Sheikh Waqas Aktar, funded by ANR Badass and Region Hauts de France, since oct. 2017
  • Alexandre Bérard, University of Lille 1, since Oct. 2014, defended 2017
  • Daniele Calandriello, Inria, funded by an Inria grant, since Oct. 2014, defended Dec. 18th, 2017, now post-doc at University of Genova, Italy
  • Julien Perolat, University of Lille 1, since Oct. 2014, defended Dec. 18th, 2017, now with Deepmind, London
  • Marc Abeille, University of Lille 1, funded by CFM, defended on Dec. 13th 2017, now with Critéo, Paris, PhD online
  • Pratik Gajane, Orange Labs, CIFRE defended on Nov. 14th, 2017, now post-doc at University of Leoben, Austria, PhD online
  • Frédéric Guillou, Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais & SequeL, defended on Dec. 2nd, 2016, PhD online
  • Tomáš Kocák, INRIA grant, since Oct. 2013, defended Nov. 2016; PhD online
  • Vincenzo Musco, University of Lille 3 & University of Lille 1 funding; defended Nov. 4th, 2016; PhD online
  • Hadrien Glaude, PhD with Thalès, now post-doc at Amazon. Defended July 8th, 2016; PhD online
  • Marta Soare, Région Nord-Pas de Calais & Complacs (STREP project), until Oct. 2015, now associate professor at the Université d’Orléans. Defended on Dec. 14th, 2015; PhD online
  • Adrien Hoarau, DGA, since Oct. 2012 till Sep. 2015
  • Amir Sani, Région Nord-Pas de Calais & INRIA grant, Oct. 2011, defended on May 12th, 2015 PhD online
  • Olivier Nicol, Université de Lille, since Nov. 2010, defended Dec. 2014, now data scientist with OVH; PhD online.
  • Boris Baldassari, contract with Squoring, Université de Lille 3, since Sep. 2011, defended July 1st, 2014.
  • Victor Gabillon, MENRT, Université de Lille 1, Since Oct 2009, defended June 12th, 2014, now post-doc at QUT, Australia. PhD online
  • Azadeh Khaleghi, INRIA grant, since Oct. 2010, defended Nov. 18th, 2013, now lecturer with Lancaster University, UK, PhD online.
  • Sami Naamane, CIFRE, Orange Labs, since Nov. 2011, stopped his PhD in 2013.
  • Christophe Salperwyck, CIFRE, Orange Labs, Dec. 2009 – Nov. 2012, PhD online.
  • Alexandra Carpentier, ANR & Région Nord-Pas de calais, since Oct 2009, defended on Oct 5th, 2012, PhD online.
  • Emmanuel Delande, DGA, since Nov. 2008, LAGIS, defended his PhDin Jan. 2012, PhD online.
  • Jean-François Hren MENRT, Université de Lille 1, since Sept 2007, PhD defended on June 21st, 2012, PhD online.
  • Manuel Loth, INRIA, Université de Lille 1, since Sept. 2006, PhDdefended July 8th, 2011. Then, post-doc at INRIA, TAO, … PhD online.
  • Odalric Maillard, MENRT, Université de Lille 1 / Université de Toulouse, since Sept. 2008, PhD defense Oct. 3rd, 2011. Then post-doc in Leoben, Austria, and post-doc at Technion, Israel, and CR INRIA (Saclay). PhD online.
  • Sebastien Bubeck, MENRT, Université de Lille 1, defended his PhD in June 2010, PhD online.
  • Nicolas Viandier, INRETS, since Sep. 2007, defense June 2010; now expert at DGA, PhD online.
  • Pierre-Arnaud Coquelin, École Polytechnique, since Sept 2005, left around 2008 to create and to be the CEO of Vekia Innovation.
  • Raphaël Maîtrepierre, Université de Lille 1, since 2007, stopped in 2008 to join a private company (ATOS).
  • Robin Jaulmes, DGA, since Sept 2007.

Former Postdoctoral Researchers

In chronological order:

  • Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, June 2018 – Jan 31st, 2020
  • Matteo Pirotta, 2017-2018
  • Ralph Bourdoukan, funded by BabyRobot H2020 project, Dec 1st, 2016 — 12/31/2017
  • Edouard Oyallon, funded by Inria, Nov 1st, 2017 – 12/31/2017
  • James Ridgway, Oct, 2016 – 2017
  • Gergely Neu, 2013-2015, funded by Ercim and INRIA
  • Prashanth L A, 2012 -2014, funded by Complacs
  • Balázs Szörényi, 2013-2014, funded by Complacs
  • Raphael Fonteneau, 2012-2013, FNRS, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Nathan Korda, Oct 17th, 2011-Sep. 2013, funded by ANR Explora (mid. 2011 – mid. 2012), and then Complacs (mid. 2012 – mid. 2013), now post-doc in UK.
  • Thanh Hai Nguyen, 2013, funded by INRIA, now researcher in Norway.
  • Eoin Thomas, 2013, funded by Co-adapt
  • Michal Valko, 2011-2012, now permanent staff as Inria researcher
  • Hachem Kadri, Nov 1st, 2009, Aug. 2012, now assistant professor at the Université of Marseille
  • Sertan Girgin, Jul 1st, 2007-Aug 31st, 2008; Sep 1st 2009-Aug 31st, 2011, now with Google Paris
  • Lucian Busoniu, Apr 2011-Dec. 31st, 2011
  • Alessandro Lazaric, 2008–2010, now permanent staff as INRIA Junior Researcher
  • Stéphane Rossignol, left Jan 15th, 2008, to join Supélec-Metz
  • Djalel Eddine Mazouni, Aug 1st, 2007 – Jul 31th, 2008
  • Thomas Bréhard, left Jun 30th, 2007 to join Chevron

Former Assistant Engineer

  • Antoine Labitte, 2007-2008

Former Engineer

  • Alexis Martin, Jan – Mar 2017
  • Florian Strub, Hermès, March–December 2015
  • Romain Laby, mid-Jul. — mid-Dec. 2013

Former Interns

In historical order:

  • Ahmed Hakim Choukarah, ENS Ulm, since June, 2020
  • Antoine Moulin, Telecom ParisTech & ENS Cachan, since May 1st, 2020
  • Adnan Zeddoun, Centrale Supélec & ENS Cachan, since May 1st, 2020
  • Elvis Jourdant, since Apr 27th, 2020
  • Fabien Pesquerel, since Apr 20th, 2020
  • Abel Adary, since Apr 14th, 2020
  • Guillaume Flament, since Apr 1st, 2020
  • Pierre Bourse, since June 15th, 2020
  • Adrienne Tuynman, ENS Cachan, June 2nd-mid July, 2020
  • Hugo Delavenne, ENS Cachan, June 2nd-mid July, 2020
  • Raphaël Avalos, Telecom ParisTech, May – Sep. 2019
  • Alessio Della Libera, Università Della Svizzera Italiana, June – Sep 2019
  • Nicolas Yax, ENS Cachan, Jun – July 2019
  • Côme Fiegel, ENS Ulm, Jun – July 2019
  • Reda Ouhamma, Ecole Polytechnique, Jun – July 2019
  • Geoffrey Cideron, ENS Paris Saclay, May – Sep. 2019
  • Hippolyte Bourel, ENS Rennes, Feb – June 2019
  • Quentin Burthier, since June 2018, ENSTA ParisTech
  • Jian Qian, since May 2018, ENS Paris
  • Hassan Saber, since April 2018, CentraleSupélec
  • Robert Lindland, since May-Aug 2018, MIT
  • Annie Yun, May-Aug 2018, MIT
  • Benoît Schmitt, since March-Aug, Mines Nantes
  • Mahsa Asadi, Shiraz University, Sep-Dec 2017
  • Subhojyoti Mukherjee, Indian Institute of technology, Sep-Nov 2017
  • Georgios Papoudakis, Aristotle University of Thessalnoniki, May – Sep 2017
  • Iuliia Olkhovskaia, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, February – July 2017
  • Xuedong Shang, ENS Rennes, February – June 2017
  • Benjamin Danglot, Université de Lille 1, Feb-Aug 2016
  • Mehdi Abbana Bennani, Ecole des Mines St Etienne, June-August 2016
  • Maryam Aziz, Northeastern University, Boston, May-August 2016
  • Pierre-Victor Chaumier, Ecole Polytechnique, February-June 2016
  • Quentin Coët, Université de Lille 1, March-August 2016
  • Jean Benoît Delbrouck,Université de Lille 1, March-August 2016
  • Eddy El-Khatib, Université de Lille 1, April-July 2016
  • Akram Erraqabi, École Polytechnique, May-November 2015
  • Antonin Carette, Université de Lille 1, June-August 2015
  • Mastane Achab, Ecole Polytechnique, March-August 2015
  • Romain Philippon, University of Lille 1, March-July 2015
  • Jessica Chemali, Master, Carnegie Mellon University, May-August 2014
  • Nicolas Carion, L3 ENS-Lyon, May-June 2014
  • Othmane Safsafi, L3 ENS-Ulm, June-July 2014
  • Mathias Sablé Meyer, L3 ENS-Cachan, June-July 2014
  • Valentin Owczarek, Licence 3 informatique, Université Lille 1, Apr-Jun 2014
  • Julien Rousé, Licence 3 informatique, Université Lille 1, Apr-Jun 2014
  • Pierre Pfenning, Apr-Jun 2013
  • Warren Moreau, Apr-Jul 2013
  • Romain Laby, École des Mines de Saint Etienne, March — Nov. 2013
  • Adrien Hoarau, École Polytechnique, Apr-Jul. 2012
  • Louis Dacquet, École Centrale de Lille, Apr-July 2012
  • Florian Gas, École Centrale de Lille, Apr-July 2012
  • Thomas Chabin, Undergraduate (L3 Intern), Computer Science, Université de Lille, Apr-Jul. 2012
  • Jérôme Daquin, master 2 of applied maths, Lille 1, Apr.-Aug.2011
  • Olivier Nicol, U. Lille, Master 2 in Computer Science, Mar-Aug 2010
  • Geoffrey Megardon, L3 Intern May-Aug 2010
  • Antoine Chamot, Master Inter Jun-Aug 2010
  • Victor Gabillon, Telecom Sud-Paris, apr-sep 2009
  • Aurélie Pruvost, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, May 5th – Sep 5, 2008
  • Florent Coquelin, ESSEC intersnhip, Feb 1st, Jul 31st, 2008
  • Odalric Maillard, ENS Cachan, Apr 1st, Aug 31st, 2008
  • Simon Perrault, U. Lille, Master 1 in Computer science intersnhip, feb 07 – jul 07
  • Loïc Voillané, U. Lille, Master 1 in Computer science internship, feb 07 – jul 07
  • Yizao Wang, ENS-Cachan, Master MVA internship, apr 07 – jul 07
  • Thomas Huguerre, Master internship, jan 07 – jun 07
  • Guillaume Libersat, U. Lille, Master Computer science, feb 07 – jun 07, sep 07
  • Michel Moyart, ISEN internship, jun 07 – sep 07
  • Stepan Albrecht, University of Bohemia, sep 07 – dec 07

Former Assistant

  • Sandrine Catillon, Fall 2007-Oct. 2012
  • Véronique Couvreur, 2006-Jul. 2007

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