Author's posts

Journée Science et Musique 2014 on October, 11th

Panama team is organizing a thematic day for a wide audience called “Journée Science et Musique” on the interactions betweens science and music. It will take place on saturday 11th of October at “Le Diapason”, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes. More informations and free registration on

Spotlight at NIPS ’13

“Reconciling ‘priors’ & ‘priors’ without prejudice?” (R. Gribonval and P. Machart) got accepted (with a spotlight talk) at NIPS ’13. You can find an extended research report on HAL for more details.


Several contributions from the team to the SPARS 2013 workhop (July 8-11, 2013. EPFL, Lausanne) have been accepted: “Blind Calibration for Phase Shifts in Compressive Systems“, C. Bilen, G. Puy, R. Gribonval and L. Daudet “Compressive Gaussian Mixture Estimation“, A. Bourrier, R. Gribonval and P. Pérez “Generalized Null Space and Restricted Isometry Properties“, T. Peleg, …

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