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Rev-TV: Multimodal Avatars


Dates : February 2010 – April 2012

Funded : FUI

Website :

  • Fund

Pôle Images & Réseaux aims at associating industrial and research partners from Bretagne and Pays de Loire to form a worldwide-scale pool of research, innovation and development. The joint view shared by all partners is to revolutionize the habit with the new digital image technologies and the new content distribution networks. To support this ambition, the ReV-TV (Réalité Virtuelle et Télévision) project explored the new possibilities offered by the virtual and augmented reality combined with the increase of the high-speed networks. It have been funded by FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel).

  • Objective

The objective of this project was to study the association of new tools of exchange and interaction which are the virtual 3D world, with the conventional TV. One studied solution has been the creation of a new kind of TV-show encouraging the TV-viewer to interact more through an immersive and convivial environment.

  • METISS (former PANAMA) duties

The team had taken part to the conception of the multimodal interaction system which targeted to be compatible with set-top-boxes hardware. More specifically, we were responsible of the multimodal analysis, and all the audio aspect of the project (keywords recognition, Lipsync, emotions estimation).

Rev-TV in the news (in french)