Cut Locus 2018 – Sep. 3-6, Sapporo

The Cut Locus 2018

September 3 – 6, Tokai University (Sapporo Campus)



The cut locus appears in various fields of Mathematics as a set of singular points of the distance function or the exponential map on a manifold. It should be emphasized that the cut locus has been actively studied in both fields of Analysis, (in particular, in the fields of Optimal Transport and Optimal Control), and Global Differential Geometry, since H. Poincaré introduced this notion for a point of an analytic surface in 1905.

Since the notion has been, however, investigated almost independently by each other, it will be a good opportunity for researchers from both fields to exchange ideas by joining this conference. Therefore, this conference is open to all researchers who are interested in the cut locus.

This conference is the continuation of “The Cut Locus 2016” held in Thailand.

 Scientific Committee

Jean-Baptiste CAILLAU (Côte d’Azur University, Nice, France)
Kei KONDO (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Shin-Ichi OHTA (Osaka University, Japan)
Ludovic RIFFORD (Côte d’Azur University, Nice, France)
Minoru TANAKA (Tokai University, Japan)

Local organizer

Sorin V. SABAU (Tokai University, Sapporo, Japan)

Financial support

Kei KONDO (Grant-in-Aid for Science Research (C), JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K05220)

This conference is partially supported by INRIA.


Davide BARILARI (Paris Diderot University, France)
Nobuhiro INNAMI (Niigata University, Japan)
Shuichi IZUMIYA (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Ettore MINGUZZI (University of Florence, Italy)
Tatsuya MIURA (Tokyo University, Japan/MPI MIS, Germany)
Shin-Ichi OHTA (Osaka University, Japan)
Jean-Baptiste POMET (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis and Universite Cote d’Azur, Nice, France)
Cong Hung MAI (Kyoto University, Japan)
Steen MARKVORSEN (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Sorin V. SABAU (Tokai University, Sapporo, Japan)
Minoru TANAKA (Tokai University, Japan)
Asahi TSUCHIDA (Hokkaido University, Japan)