Category: Events and Seminars

Latest events and seminars related to McTAO team.

Nonlinear Control and Geometry – 23-29 August 2015, Bedlewo

Nonlinear Control and Geometry 23 August –  29 August 2015 | Będlewo Announcements The aim is to bring together specialist of various domains of nonlinear control theory representing theoretical aspects of the field as well as applications (mechanical control systems, robotics, quantum control, distributed decision making). Invited talks are expected to represent various approaches to control theory with emphasis …

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Congrès SMAI 2015 – Mini-symposium “Contrôle et applications”

Congrès SMAI 2015 – Les Karellis, Savoie 08 juin – 12 juin 2015 Mini-symposium COAP Contrôle et applications Avec le soutien de l’équipe INRIA McTAO et du réseau européen SADCO (Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Controller Design, Initial Training Network, FP7 grant no. 264735-SADCO) Résumé Ce minisymposium propose trois applications industrielles de l’optimisation et du contrôle optimal …

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Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen 2015

Le Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem organise chaque année depuis 1997 les Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen. Les rencontres 2015 auront lieu les 17-19 juin 2015                     Chaque année, les Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen se centrent sur une ou plusieurs des thématiques de travail des membres du LMRS. Thèmes 2015 Géométrie sous-riemannienne et géométrie CR. Analyse sur les variétés

SIAM Conference on Control & its Applications – Paris, July 8-10 2016

CONFERENCES This conference is sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory, and is co-sponsored by Inria. Read more

IMA Thematic Year on Control Theory and its Applications (2015-2016)

IMA Thematic Year on Control Theory and its Applications September 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Control theory has its roots in the use of feedback as a means to regulate physical processes and mediate the effect of modeling uncertainty and noise. Early on, in the latter part of the 18th century, the flyball centrifugal …

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Hamiltonian systems and their applications, June 3-8, 2015, St. Petersburg

Hamiltonian systems and their applications June 3-8, 2015 Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Description. This conference will be held at the Euler International Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch Of Steklov Mathematical Institute RAN, Saint Petersburg, Russia, on June 3-8, 2015 ( During the conference there will be a session …

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Acta App. Math. special issue on “Control and Observation of Nonlinear Control Systems with Applications to Medicine and Space Mechanics”

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. Volume 135 , Issue 1 is now available on SpringerLink. In this issue: Preface Bernard Bonnard & Monique Chyba Abstract    Full text PDF Geometric and Numerical Methods in the Contrast Imaging Problem in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Bernard Bonnard , Mathieu Claeys , Olivier Cots & Pierre Martinon Abstract    Full text PDF Time Versus Energy in the Averaged Optimal Coplanar Kepler Transfer Towards Circular Orbits Bernard Bonnard , …

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Journée Équipe McTAO – Université de Bourgogne 27 / 01 / 2015

Lieu : Institut de mathématiques, salle Baire (4ème étage) 10:30 L. Giraldi (Saclay) – Optimal design of the three link Purcell swimmer 11:30 F. Nicolau (Rouen) – Multi-input control-affine systems linearizable via one-fold prolongation and their flatness 14:00 J.-P. Marco (Paris) – Exemples simples de diffusion d’Arnol’d pour des difféomorphismes 15:00 C. Chandre (Marseille) – Contrôle du transport chaotique dans les systèmes …

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CONFERENCE OF CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS: Geometry, Inequalities, and Design

THE FIELDS INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES July-December 2014 Thematic Program onVariational Problems in Physics, Economics and Geometry November 10-14, CONFERENCE OF CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS: Geometry, Inequalities, and Design  Organizing Committee Almut Burchard (Toronto) Panagiota Daskalopoulos (New York) Young-Heon Kim (Vancouver) Ludovic Rifford (Nice) Neil Trudinger (Canberra) INVITED SPEAKERS: Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University) …

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Special Semester on New Trends in Calculus of Variations

Special Semester on New Trends in Calculus of Variations to be held at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) Linz, October 13 – December 12, 2014 Organizer Maïtine Bergounioux, Universite d’Orleans, France Local organizer Karl Kunisch, University of Graz & RICAM, Austria Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna & RICAM, Austria Workshops Workshop …

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IHP Trimester on Geometry, Analysis and Dynamics on Sub-Riemannian Manifolds

IHP Trimester Geometry, Analysis and Dynamics on Sub-Riemannian Manifolds September 1 – December 12, 2014 Presentation The purpose of this trimester is to create a link among different communities working in sub-Riemannian geometry from different points of view and in particular among people working in the theory of hypoelliptic operators, in optimal control and in …

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Soutenance de thèse d’Ayadi LAZRAG le 25/09/2014 Mc Tao

Soutenance de thèse” Théorie de contrôle et systèmes dynamiques”. La soutenance aura lieu au laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné de Nice à 11H00.

Laetitia Giraldi: “Modelling, control and analysis for micro-swimmers”

Monday, april 7, 2:00pm, salle K1, bâtiment Kahn Modelling, control and analysis for micro-swimmers Laetitia Giraldi (ENS Lyon) Swimming strategies at the microscopic scale involves different mechanisms than in the human scale. Indeed, the flow is dominated by the viscosity effects of the water and becomes reversible. This feature, known as the scallop theorem in …

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