Kick-off meeting for the Depth Imaging Partnership (DIP) action

A strategic action called “Depth Imaging Partnership (DIP)” has been created between TOTAL and INRIA. The creation of DIP has been possible thanks to fruitful collaborations between MAGIQUE-3D and Henri Calandra. The scientific responsible is H. Barucq. Hence the coordination of DIP and its functioning are realised inside MAGIQUE-3D. The research program of DIP includes different aspects of sciences that must be considered to construct an efficient software package for producing accurate images of the subsurface. The RTM technique is obviously one objective to reach but the solution of the inverse problem is also an important issue for DIP. At present time, the DIP project involves two project-teams (MAGIQUE-3D and HIEPACS) and other INRIA project-teams should participate soon. At the end of 2009, two PhD students working in MAGIQUE-3D since the end of 2006, have defended their PhD dealing with new numerical methods based on discontinuous finite element approximations for the wave equation and the Helmholtz problem. Another thesis is in progress, the PhD student being a member of HIEPACS. He is working on the analysis of GPU performances of softwares that are available in TOTAL for solving the wave equation. As far as the functioning of DIP is concerned, the different partners have to work jointly on topics that have been accepted by the scientific committee of DIP. A kick-off meeting has been organized in february 2010 to define new research directions for DIP which could be funded by TOTAL at the end of 2010 for PhD student or pots-doctoral fellow salaries. The scientic committee will meet in march 2010.

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