Séminaire de Yousef Saad le 2 juin – Inria BSO

Yousef Saad (Université du Minnesota, http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~saad/) fera une présentation le mardi 2 juin à partir de 10h00 salle Ada Lovelace.

Titre : « Parallel Multilevel Low-Rank approximation preconditioners »

This presentation will discuss  a class of preconditioning methods for solving  linear systems  of  equations that  are  based on  exploiting low-rank  approximations to  certain matrices.   These methods  have a number   of  appealing   features.   Because   they   are  essentially approximate  inverse  techniques,  they  handle  indefiniteness  quite well. Furthermore,  they are amenable  to SIMD compuations  such those inherent to GPUs. The talk  will first describe a recursive divide and conquer  approach  geared  toward  Symmetric Positive  Definite  model problems issued  from Finite Difference discretizations  of PDEs. Then two extensions of this general  approach will be described.  The first exploits   Schur   complements   in   a  parallel   computing   Domain Decomposition  (DD) framework.   The second  extends this  DD approach further by considering so-called `hierarchical interface decomposition further by considering so-called `hierarchical interface decomposition orderings’   which  are   essentially  algebraic   generalizations  of `wirebaskets’ techniques used in Domain Decomposition methods.

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