The purpose of the EPSN project is to develop a software environment for the steering of parallel numerical simulations with visualization programs that can be parallel as well. RedGRID is a software environment (available within EPSN) dedicated to the coupling of parallel codes, and more precisely to the redistribution of complex parallel data objects such as structured grids, particles and unstructured meshes.
Hips (Hierarchical Iterative Parallel Solver) is a scientific library that provides an efficient parallel iterative solver for very large sparse linear systems.
The key point of the methods implemented in Hips is to define an ordering and a partition of the unknowns that relies on a form of nested dissection ordering in which cross points in the separators play a special role (Hierarchical Interface Decomposition ordering). The subgraphs obtained by nested dissection correspond to the unknowns that are eliminated using a direct method and the Schur complement system on the remaining of the unknowns (that correspond to the interface between the sub-graphs viewed as sub-domains) is solved using an iterative method (GMRES or Conjugate Gradient at the time being). -
MaPHyS (Massively Parallel Hybrid Solver) is a parallel sparse linear solver for large linear systems of equation that combines direct and iterative approaches. This software development effort currently benefits from the support of the Inria Project Labs C2S@Exa.
The goal of Matrices Over Runtime Systems at Exascale (MORSE) project is to design dense and sparse linear algebra methods that achieve the fastest possible time to an accurate solution on large-scale multicore systems with GPU accelerators, using all the processing power that future high end systems can make available.
Chameleon is a sub-project of MORSE specifically dedicated to dense linear algebra.
PaStiX (Parallel Sparse matriX package) is a scientific library that provides a high per- formance parallel solver for very large sparse linear systems based on block direct and block ILU(k) iterative methods. Numerical algorithms are implemented in single or double preci- sion (real or complex): LLT (Cholesky), LDLT (Crout) and LU with static pivoting (for non symmetric matrices having a symmetric pattern).
Scalable Fast Multipole Method is high performance generic Fast Multipole Method.
ScalFMM intends to offer all the functionalities needed to perform large parallel simulations while enabling an easy customization of the simulation components: kernels, particles and cells. It works in parallel in a shared/distributed memory model using OpenMP and MPI. The software architecture has been designed with two major objectives: being easy to maintain and easy to understand. -
ViTE is a trace explorer. It is a tool made to visualize execution traces of large parallel programs. It supports Pajé, a trace format created by Inria Grenoble, and OTF and OTF2 formats, developed by the University of Dresden and allows the programmer a simpler way to anlyse, debug and/or profile large parallel applications.
The ViTE software has been developed in collaboration with the Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest SED team, Telecom SudParis and Inria Grenoble.