Past Job Offers 2013

PhD Offers

  1. Dynamic load balancing for massively parallel coupled codes [pdf]
  2. Task-based programming paradigms and scheduling [pdf]

Postdoc Offers

  1. High performance solver for simulation of 3D hypersonic flows on Petascale supercomputers in collaboration with CEA-CESTA in teh framework of the cluster of excellence CPU from the University of Bordeaux [pdf]
  2. Parallel hybrid solver for DG linear systems in the 3D time-harmonic Maxwell équations with application to radar cross section evaluation [pdf] in the framework of the ANR TECSER in collboaration with Inria teams Corrida and Nachos, and Airbus and the Nucletude company
  3. Enabling Climate simulation at Extreme Scale: G8 project [pdf] in the framework of the G8-ECS project
  4. On the use of H-matrix arithmetic for the design of hierarchical parallel sparse linear
    solvers [pdf]
  5. Parallel Geometric Full Multigrid Solver [pdf]
  6. Parallel eigensolvers in Computational Chemistry
  7. Exascale Algorithms and Advanced Computational Techniques :  Krylov solvers for extreme scale [pdf] in the framework of the European FP7 Exa2CT project

Engineer Offers

  1. Design of solvers for emerging architectures

Internship Positions – Spring 2014

Master internship subject, that can be continued within a PhD 

  1. Design and integration of non regression test suite for HighPerformance Computing (HPC) simulations [pdf]
  2. Etude de performances d’un solveur direct creux sur architecture Intel Xeon Phi (MIC) [pdf]
  3. On the use of H-matrix arithmetic for the design of hierarchical parallel sparse linear solvers [pdf]
  4. Optimisation et restructuration du logiciel ViTE [pdf]
  5. Development of a DAG visualization tool (ICL, Knoxville, USA – Tennessee)[pdf]
  6. Construction et partage d’un arbre en parallélisation hybride. (HPC) [pdf]
  7. Intégration d’une méthode de multipôles rapide dans un code de dynamique moléculaire parallèle.(HPC)[pdf]

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