HiePACS working group – Friday June 5th – Ada Lovelace

The AVBP team is visiting Inria on Friday June 5.

AVBP is a parallel CFD code for reactive unsteady flow simulations on hybrid grids developed at CERFACS.
The goal of the day is to exchange with the HiePACS and Storm teams about the possible support of their code by a task-based runtime system such as StarPU.


In particular, an HiePACS working group will take place in the morning in Ada Lovelace,
with the following preliminary program:

 9:30  The AVBP code and project by the AVBP team (Cerfacs)

10:15  Coffee break

10:30  Feed-back on previous experience on task-based programming of explicit schemes
           in CFD (Damien Genet’s thesis) and seismic wave propagation (Lionel Boillot’s thesis)

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