Talk by George Bosilca, Innovative Computing Laboratory (UTK)
Friday October 4th, Ada Lovelace Room, 14:00 George will present the latest developments in the [PaRSEC] runtime system, the [DPLASMA] linear algebra library and irregular applications.
Friday October 4th, Ada Lovelace Room, 14:00 George will present the latest developments in the [PaRSEC] runtime system, the [DPLASMA] linear algebra library and irregular applications.
June 25th, 10am, Room Ada Lovelace Title: How we built VeloC for Fault Tolerant Exascale Computing. Over the past 12 years a lot of research has focus on developing techniques to make sure executions on Exascale systems complete with correct results. Many failure characterization studies have been conducted on existing …
Aurélien Falco will present us his work on hierarchical symbolic factorization for sparse matrices during the next HiePACS Working Group, on Monday (December 17th) at 13:00 in Boole 2 room. Title Hierarchical Symbolic Factorization for Sparse Matrices Abstract Hierarchical methods based on low-rank compression have drastically reduced computational requirements for …
Monday December 10 2018 at 14:00 in Grace Hopper 2 Title: Automatic regularization methods for inverse problems Abstract Processes described by a mathematical model typically depend on a number of parameters. If these parameters are known, then the model can be used to predict the outcome of the process. In …
Tuesday October 2nd, 9:15 am – Room: Salle Sophie Germain Speaker: Keita Teranishi, Sandia National Laboratories, California Keita Teranishi received the BS and MS degrees from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and the PhD degree from Penn State University, in 2004. He is principal member …
Monday October 1st, 10:00 am – Room: George Boole 2 Speaker: Keita Teranishi, Sandia National Laboratories, California Keita Teranishi received the BS and MS degrees from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and the PhD degree from Penn State University, in 2004. He is principal member …
Keita Teranishi, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, CA, USA will visit Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest on October 1-2, 2018. During his visit, Keita will give a talk on “Performance portable parallel CP-APR tensor decompositions” (schedule and location will be published later) Abstract: Tensors have found utility in a …
Osni Marques will give a presentation: Friday 24/11 at 14:00 in Grace Hopper 2. Title: Nonlinear Eigensolver based on Padé Approximants Abstract: In this presentation, we discuss a strategy for finding nontrivial solutions (λ,x) for a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problems of the form F( λ)x = 0. Specifically, we …
The next HiePACS Working Group will take place on Friday 22 September 2017 at 9:30 in Alan Turing 2. Alain Franc, INRA BioGeCo & INRIA Pleiade Une partie non négligeable de « machine learning » ou de la reconnaissance de formes repose in fine sur des méthodes linéaires d’analyse des données, qui se sont …
Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir le Pr Tucker Carrington de Queen’s University , Kingston, Ontario les 2 et 3 mai. Il donnera un séminaire le 2 mai à 14h – Amphi du LABRI Titre New variational methods for computing vibrational spectra of molecules with up to 11 atoms Abstract I shall present two new variational …