Solhar Meeting @ Bordeaux

Solhar meeting : Monday January 25th Program: 09:00-09:30 Terry Cojean    : “Resource aggregation in task-based applications over accelerator-based multicore machines” 09:30-10:00 Suraj Kumar     : “Are Static Schedules so Bad ? A Case Study on Cholesky Factorization” 10:00-10:30 Thomas Lambert  : “A New Approximation Algorithm for Matrix Partitioning …

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Soutenance de thèse : Stojce nakov

lundi 14 décembre – amphi du LaBRI – 15:00 Titre : On the design of sparse hybrid linear solvers for modern parallel architectures Résumé : Over the last few decades, there have been innumerable science, engineering and societal breakthroughs enabled by the development of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, algorithms …

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HiePACS WG – Tuesday October 20

The next HiePACS working group will take place in Ada Lovelace at 14:15 on Tuesday October 20 with the following program: 14:15 Esmond Ng (LBNL, USA):  Latest results on greedy ordering algorithms 15:15  Coffee break 15:30 Romain Garnier (HiePACS): Fast computation of the vibrational Hamiltonian spectra by a hierarchical Rayleigh-Ritz …

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PhD defense : Astrid Casadéi

Astrid Casadéi will defend her thesis on Monday, October 19th at 2 p.m. ( Ada Lovelace). Title: Optimizations of hybrid sparse linear solvers relying on Schur complement and domain decomposition approaches Abstract: In this thesis, we focus on the parallel solving of large sparse linear systems. Our main interest is …

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HiePACS Working Group (July 15, 14:00, Ada Lovelace) and visit of George Bosilca – July 15 – 17

George Bosilca ( will visit Inria BSO on July 15, 16 & 17 in the context of the Morse ( associate team. In the context of the HiePACS working group, he will present some recent advances on the PaRSEC runtime system ( as well as on fault-tolerance. It will take …

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Séminaire de Yousef Saad le 2 juin – Inria BSO

Yousef Saad (Université du Minnesota, fera une présentation le mardi 2 juin à partir de 10h00 salle Ada Lovelace. Titre : « Parallel Multilevel Low-Rank approximation preconditioners » Résumé: This presentation will discuss  a class of preconditioning methods for solving  linear systems  of  equations that  are  based on  exploiting …

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