2021/01/05 archive

PhD Defense 14-1-2020 – Hoai Le Nguyen – Étude des conflits dans l’édition collaborative

Collaborative Editing (CE) has long captured the attention of Computer-supported-cooperative work (CSCW) researchers. Early researches about CE (in the 1990s and the early 2000) focused on describing different characteristics of CE based on interviewing people who had participated in some CE projects. Some recent researches about CE started analyzing the logs of CE activities to …

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PhD Defense 12-1-2020 : Quentin Laporte-Chabasse – Étude morpho-statistique des réseaux sociaux. Application aux collaborations inter-organisationnelles.

  Decentralised collaborative applications address privacy, availability and security issues related to centralised collaborative platforms. Such applications are based on a peer-to-peer communication paradigm according to which all users are directly connected to one another. Collaborations tend to widen and spread beyond the borders of organisations. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to guarantee to …

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